I want to change Manufacturer to Artists on the productinfo page

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12 年 前

Running version nopCommerce 1.90 with sample data installed.

1. From the Home page I click on ASUS below Manufactures
2. Click the ASUS Eee PC 900HA 8.9-Inch Netbook

Within the Colum on the right you get the following details.

ASUS Eee PC 900HA 8.9-Inch Netbook Black
High Speed Connectivity Anywhere with Wi-Fi 802.11b/g.
Manufacturer: ASUS

I want to change Manufacturer to Artists on the productinfo page.

Please give me the file location to look at to make the change.

Thanks a million,

12 年 前
Hello Pieter,
you need go to administration side to localization file of your language.
Simple find the "Manufacturer" string and change value to yours. I think you need change other values too.
12 年 前
Hi Karma,

Thanks a million for your quick response.

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