Help adding text next to my logo

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12 年 前
I have searched the forums here and found some notes on how to add text next to my logo. However, I am not a developer and am having a hard time figuring this out. I have a custom logo on my site and I want to add text next to it. I just want to put my contact info at the top of the page (in the header area). When I pull up the theme for this site, I am not sure what I should be changing.

Can anyone help me out please? Should I be updating a different page? Currently I am looking at the styles.css page in the AppThemes folder. I am running NOP 1.90.

Please help. Thanks
12 年 前

What contact info do you want to put in the header, just a phone number or something?

Here is what mine looks like
12 年 前
How did you get the Free Delivery text into the header? That is exactly what I want do do.
12 年 前
This is how i have done mine in V1.90 with source.

Bear in mind that i never delete anything, comment it out in visual studio then add anything new to the site that you want.

In styles.css (NopCommerceStore/App_Themes/darkOrange/styles.css  (approx line 161))

i created a new section within the Master Header part of the style sheet and commented out the original
Master Header styles, then pasted the original Master Header in the custom header part and made my changes.(below)

/*----------- Custom Header start -------------*/

  padding: 0px 6px 5px 5px;
  height: 90px;
.header .freedelivery
    background: url('images/freedelivery.png') no-repeat;
.header .icon
  vertical-align: bottom;
.header .ico-register
  background: url('images/ico-register.png') no-repeat;
  padding-left: 20px;
.header .ico-login
  background: url('images/ico-login.png') no-repeat;
  padding-left: 20px;
.header .ico-logout
  background: url('images/ico-logout.png') no-repeat;
  padding-left: 20px;  
.header .ico-inbox
  background: url('images/ico-inbox.png') no-repeat;
  padding-left: 20px;
.header .ico-cart
  background: url('images/ico-cart.png') no-repeat;
  padding-left: 20px;
.header .ico-wishlist
  background: url('images/ico-wishlist.png') no-repeat;
  padding-left: 20px;
.header .ico-admin
  background: url('images/ico-admin.png') no-repeat;
  padding-left: 20px;
  /*margin-top: 5px;*/
  float: left;
  text-align: left;  
     background: url('images/dgslogomirror.gif') repeat scroll 0 0 transparent;
  text-align: right;
  float: right;
  width: 630px;
  float: right;
  float: right;
  float: right;
  float: right;
  text-align: right;
  width: 600px;
  /*border: solid 1px #9a9a9a;*/
  padding: 5px 5px 5px 5px;
  margin-bottom: 5px;
  display: inline-table;
.header-links ul
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
.header-links ul li
  list-style: none;
  display: inline;
  padding-right: 2px;
.header-links a
  color: #000000;
  text-decoration: none;
.header-links a:hover
  color: #ff9933;
.header-links a.account
  color: #ff9933;
.header-links span.impersonate
.header-links span.impersonate .finish-impersonation
  /*background:url("images/bg_menu.png") repeat-x scroll center top transparent;

.headermenu ul
  /*padding: 0;
  margin: 0;*/

.headermenu li
  /*list-style: none;
  display: inline;*/

.headermenu a
    padding:9px 20px 5px 19px;

.headermenu a:hover
  /*background:url("images/bg_menu_hover.png") repeat-x scroll center top #F56620;*/

/*----------- Custom Header finish -------------*/

Then in the Header.ascx module (NopCommerceStore/Modules/Header.ascx) i made a few changes.

As you can see i moved a few things around aswell.

<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" Inherits="NopSolutions.NopCommerce.Web.Modules.HeaderControl"
    CodeBehind="Header.ascx.cs" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="CurrencySelector" Src="~/Modules/CurrencySelector.ascx" %>
<%--<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="LanguageSelector" Src="~/Modules/LanguageSelector.ascx" %>--%>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="TaxDisplayTypeSelector" Src="~/Modules/TaxDisplayTypeSelector.ascx" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="nopCommerce" TagName="SearchBox" Src="~/Modules/SearchBox.ascx" %>

<div class="header">
    <div class="header-logo">
        <a href="<%=CommonHelper.GetStoreLocation()%>" class="logo">&nbsp; </a>
    <div class="header-links-wrapper">
        <div class="header-links">
                <asp:LoginView ID="topLoginView" runat="server">
                        <li><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/register.aspx")%>" class="ico-register">
                        <li><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/login.aspx")%>" class="ico-login">
                            <a href="<%= SEOHelper.GetMyAccountUrl()%>" class="account"><%=Page.User.Identity.Name %></a>
                            <% if (NopContext.Current.IsCurrentCustomerImpersonated)
                            <span class="impersonate">(<%=string.Format(GetLocaleResourceString("Account.ImpersonatedAs"), this.CustomerService.UsernamesEnabled ? Server.HtmlEncode(NopContext.Current.User.Username) : Server.HtmlEncode(NopContext.Current.User.Email))%>
                                <asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lFinishImpersonate" Text="<% $NopResources:Account.ImpersonatedAs.Finish %>"
                                    ToolTip="<% $NopResources:Account.ImpersonatedAs.Finish.Tooltip %>" OnClick="lFinishImpersonate_Click"
                            <%} %>
                        <li><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/logout.aspx")%>" class="ico-logout">
                            <%=GetLocaleResourceString("Account.Logout")%></a> </li>
                        <% if (this.ForumService.AllowPrivateMessages)
                           { %>
                        <li><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/privatemessages.aspx")%>" class="ico-inbox">
                            <asp:Literal runat="server" ID="lUnreadPrivateMessages" />
                        <%} %>
                <li><a href="<%= SEOHelper.GetShoppingCartUrl()%>" class="ico-cart">
                </a><a href="<%= SEOHelper.GetShoppingCartUrl()%>">(<%=this.ShoppingCartService.GetCurrentShoppingCart(ShoppingCartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart).TotalProducts%>)</a>
                <% if (this.SettingManager.GetSettingValueBoolean("Common.EnableWishlist"))
                   { %>
                <li><a href="<%= SEOHelper.GetWishlistUrl()%>" class="ico-wishlist">
                    <%=GetLocaleResourceString("Wishlist.Wishlist")%></a> <a href="<%= SEOHelper.GetWishlistUrl()%>">
                <%} %>
                <% if (NopContext.Current.User != null && NopContext.Current.User.IsAdmin)
                   { %>
                <li><a href="<%=Page.ResolveUrl("~/administration/")%>" class="ico-admin">
                    <%=GetLocaleResourceString("Account.Administration")%></a> </li>
                <%} %>
    <div class="header-selectors-wrapper">
        <div class="header-taxDisplayTypeSelector">
            <nopCommerce:TaxDisplayTypeSelector runat="server" ID="ctrlTaxDisplayTypeSelector">
        <div class="header-currencyselector">
            <nopCommerce:CurrencySelector runat="server" ID="ctrlCurrencySelector"></nopCommerce:CurrencySelector>
        <%--<div class="header-languageselector">
            <nopCommerce:LanguageSelector runat="server" ID="ctrlLanguageSelector"></nopCommerce:LanguageSelector>
        <div class="freedelivery">
        <img src="../App_Themes/darkOrange/images/freedelivery.png" alt="Free Delivery On Everything" />

    <div class="searchbox">

        <nopCommerce:SearchBox ID="ctrlSearchBox" runat="server" />
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