Problem with administration / globalization

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12 年 前

I'm having a problem with a custom plugin in combination with the Telerik NumbericTextbox field.
I'm using the _AdminPopupLayout.cshtml that uses the parent layout _AdminLayout.cshtm and it's loaded into an iframe in a new tab inside the product variant. Just for the details: When a user hits save, the data is posted back using Ajax.

When using the default language (English) its working just fine. But when I use Dutch for instance the decimal pointers are mixed up in the formatted value. This form is the only form with this behaviour strange enough.
On telerik I find that I need to use script globalization, but this should already be done I think in nopCommerce. Where is it done and do I need to take care of it in my own plug-ins ?

The latest source code can be found here

--> Extra info:

When I change the _AdminLayout.cshtml




I get numberic in the right culture, and in my plugin view it is working.
However, the other views & (standard administration) views still have the wrong culture but DO work.
12 年 前
There's an issue with Telerik localization and internalization. That's why culture of admin area is always set to 'en-US' now (all paths that start with \admin\). But plugin paths don't start with \admin\. That's why you have to manually set the culture. Please have a look at how it's done in Nop.Plugin.Tax.CountryStateZip plugin, for example. Open \Plugins\Nop.Plugin.Tax.CountryStateZip\Controllers\TaxCountryStateZipController.cs file and have a look at Initialize method. It should help!
12 年 前
Ok thanks I'll change it
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