Shared SSL and links

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14 年 前
Hey guys, I have question about Shared SSL in Version: 1.3.0

My shared SSL is

When I click on "checkout" it redirects to this link:

As you can see, it adds "user123/" to the link and it will not work properly.

Also it adds "user123/" to the link when I click "logoff" out of the shopping cart.

Also, while trying to login to shopping cart it redirects here:

As you can see in this case it redirects to the domain root and not to my shared SSL folder.

One more thing, when Shared SSL used it redirects to instead to original URL like when clicking on "home"

Please advise.
Thank you in advance.

PS 1:
Shared SSL has been used on RECOMMENDED HOSTING:

PS 2:

I think those variables like site and shared SSL could be brought to the web.config file. :-)
14 年 前
Would love to know if you get a response to this from Webhost4life.  I'm having the same issue.  They responded to my help desk ticket by TURNING OFF SSL!!  And then closing my ticket.

I'm so disgusted with them that I could just spit.
14 年 前
No help from webhost4life on this issue.  This was their response to me...

Dear customer,
I have tired several ways to fix your ssl issue, but still getting 404 path error. Seems this plugin has path setting issue with shared ssl. For this problem, you can try
#1 purchase dedicated certificate for your site
#2 or ask some help from this plugin developers.
14 年 前
i was asking webhost4life about shared ssl just a couple of days ago - they told me that it only works in the folder your temp url points to when you set up hosting - essentially your root folder


my commerce store resides in a subfolder of that  :

and i was told that i would have to purchase an ssl certificate for the domain that points to these ( 1 certificate for each domain)

i think this is normal but i was dissappointed about the shared ssl - i kind of wonder what's the point  of having it
14 年 前
just had a nosey at your artwork, i'm very impressed.

also liked the gallery - can you tell me where you get that from?
14 年 前
Hmmm...that's interesting, (what they said about the SSL) because their other solution (which isn't nearly as nice but is functional enough) actually uses the SSL with no problem.  But then, it's probably set up a bit differently since it's a solution that they technically support...and I use the word support lightly.  lol.

Thank you so much for your kind words about work!  I got the gallery here...

It's $45, but it's worth every single penny, imo.
14 年 前
They answered this nonsense:
Hi, I think there should be a way to confige the url for ssl, could you please contact the vendor to check it further?

and this:
Unfortunately, NopCommerce is not a supported e-commerce solution. Please contact the vendor for more details.

NICE.... :-(
14 年 前
14 年 前
Have you tried creating a sub domain out of the folder that you installed nopCommerce to?  

That's what they (webhost4life) did when I installed their other ecommerce solution and the SSL works seemlessly with it.  Wonder if that's not the solution here?  I forget the exact steps they took, but they could probably help with that.  

Not sure what ramifications (if any) that will have on your installed nopCommerce shop, though.

Keep in mind when trying anything I suggest...I know just enough to be slightly dangerous.  :)
14 年 前
Thanks, I was thinking about sub domain too. By the way I am very impressed with your work too, I may have some work for you to do, please contact me through my website :-) ....
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