Products/Categories to display only once logged in

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12 年 前
Hi all,

I there a way I have certain products, and categories only show up once a customer has logged in?

And also is there a way that I can assign those products to only show to certain groups?

As I have a range of products which is only available to certain members.

Many thanks
12 年 前
JamesStuddart wrote:
Hi all,

I there a way I have certain products, and categories only show up once a customer has logged in?

And also is there a way that I can assign those products to only show to certain groups?

As I have a range of products which is only available to certain members.

Many thanks

This feature is not available out of the box in v2.x. Something simmilar existed in  v1.9 (ACL for categories).
12 年 前

I have found reference to this feature on the forums etc, as you say since 1.9 but I cant find the feature in the admin system.
Any hints?
12 年 前
Sorry misread the post... seems a bit weird to lose a feature like this :(
12 年 前
JamesStuddart wrote:
Sorry misread the post... seems a bit weird to lose a feature like this :(

I agree with you
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