Coming from ASP.NET forms, some mvc features are not clear to me yet. So therefor this question.

I want to add some productattributes to a product , but with client validation. So after some investigating I found out it's a matter off adding the special mvc attributes for validation to the html.
So to test this I added a productattribute to my store (a textbox) and modified _ProductAttributes.cshtml

                    case AttributeControlType.TextBox:
                    data-val="true"        data-val-range="Sorry, you must be between 18 and 65 to register."        data-val-range-max="65" data-val-range-min="18"        data-val-regex="Please enter a valid age." data-val-regex-pattern="\d{1,3}"        data-val-required="The Age field is required."
                    name="@(controlId)" type="text" id="@(controlId)" class="textBox" style="width:300px;" />

Just to see if the validation works. And I can see it going through the validation javascript when I did not fill out the field and pressed 'add to cart'. But the user never sees anything. No errormessage is displayed. So the validation I am certain works. But somehow I am missing something that causes the error message actually to be displayed to the user as well. What can that be?