Multiple stores pick up

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12 年 前

I am doing a university project based on Nopcommerce. I have done some c# programming before, but new to mvc. The idea is to develop an e-commerce solution with only one option to pick up from store, but there must be selection of multiple stores. So, it's not a big customization, but it needs to be quite clear. Also if there are new stores to open, they will need to be added.

I do not want to do a dramatic change to database, so I was thinking, whether I could use Countries table instead of the stores or maybe have some sort of a flag in customers table and get store location instead of the name. But I'm still puzzled how to implement this. I will also need to add a page, where stores locations and map will be available. I have added a new page in header menu, and now I need to make a decision on how to get store locations from the database and also get customer to select a store to pick up an item from.
Could you please direct me on what would be the best practice to implement this?
12 年 前
Selection to pickup from Stores is done at Shipping selection time.  See my reply to this post
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