Guide To Developing Custom Product Variant Attributes?

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12 年 前
Are Product Variant Attributes integarted in a way, so I can create custom versions like a plugin?

I'd like to have a custom Product Variant Attribute that allows me to attached a custom image as well as adding a price etc...  

Its for clothing or product colour options, so I can actually display a swatch of the colour and the user can click the image and enlarge it?
12 年 前
Guess no one else needs something like this :/
12 年 前
I needed the same thing but I just added a PictureId field to the ProductVariantAttributeValue table and modified the View to show the thumbnails when it was a Radio Button List.

-Add PictureId to Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog.ProductVariantAttributeValue
-Add PictureId to Nop.Admin.Controllers.ProductVariantController's ProductAttributeValueCreatePopup methods
-Add PictureId to Nop.Admin.Models.ProductVariantAttributeValueModel with this tag to get the upload control:

-Add the field to Nop.Admin.Views.ProductVariant._CreateOrUpdateProductAttributeValue.cshtml
        <td class="adminTitle">
            @Html.NopLabelFor(model => model.PictureId):
        <td class="adminData">
            @Html.EditorFor(model => model.PictureId)
            @Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.PictureId)

-Add a string for the PictureUrl in Nop.Web.Models.ProductModel.ProductVariantModel.ProductVariantAttributeValueModel
-Modify the model creation in Nop.Web.Controllers.CatalogController to fill the Url from the PVAV's PictureId using the PictureService
-Finally, modify Nop.Web.Views.Catalog._ProductAttributes.cshtml to show the image based on the Url you have in the model.
12 年 前
leen3o wrote:
Guess no one else needs something like this :/

Please vote for it.

Making any Custom Product Variant Attribute Plug-Ins would be a great feature also! The Custom Product Variant Attributes could allow for custom HTML code to be used to render the attribute on the product page.
12 年 前
Thanks I have voted
12 年 前
for things like that i would not do a plugin, since core needs to know product-attributes.....
...on the other side you want to stay out of the nop-core to not bleed too much on updates .... so ...

you could extend the Product by:

1 - Adding a Folder Ext in Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog where all your extensions of core-objects will go.
2. Add a new partial class to extend the Product.. fe. ProductExtensions
3. extend the properties you want
4. dont forget to set the Product-class partial, and use only 1 constructor since it will mess up otherwise ( not the sw but the humans )

here comes sample-code for the Extension class in Ext-Folder:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace Nop.Core.Domain.Catalog
    public partial class Product
         public virtual ICollection<SomeObject> mysomeobjectcollection {get; set; }
         public string PictureURL700xp {get; set; }
         public string PictureURL500px {get; set; }


so what do you think ?, i like critics , always getting better ...
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