nopCommerce 2.4 - ProductModel.cs and how it relates to ProductService.cs

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12 年 前
nopCommerce 2.4

How does Nop.Web/models/catalog/ProductModel.cs relate to Nop.Services/catalog/ProductService.cs (and IProductService.cs)???

Intuitively, I know that they are related to each other, but for the life of me I cannot seem to figure out how they are "connected to each other."  I've been staring at the code forever now, and I just can't see the connection.

Is the connection one that is not exactly explicit in the code?  Perhaps it is just a connection that is inherent to the MVC framework and I'm unaware of it (I'm new to MVC)?

Can anyone out there possibly help me connect the dots so I can see how the method calls in IProductService ultimately make their way to the ProductService.cs?

Thanks in advance.

12 年 前
I was finally able to make the connection....please disregard.

12 年 前
It would be helpful for others too if you could upload a brief of your attained knowledge :-)
12 年 前
Sure, no problem.  I probably should have posted how I figured out what I was missing...but it was so "right under my nose" I think I felt a little embarrassed. : )

Basically, I should have been looking in the Controller.

At the top of the controller:

private readonly IProductService _productService;

I was looking for this in the ProductModel.cs class...but, I should have been looking in the Controller.


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