ProductLoaddAllPaged spec list bug

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12 年 前
I'm not sure how to recreate the issue but in 2.5 it appears that the returned list of specification attribute option ids does not return all of the proper ids.

I've tested this by running the stored procedure manually and reviewing the results. Some of the proper ids do not show up in the comma delimited out variable.
12 年 前
It works fine. I presume that you just did not check "Allow filtering" when adding a specification attribute to a product.
12 年 前
It's checked, without any pun intended I double checked.

for an example go to this address

On the left hand side is the filter area; under capacity you will see 11 oz.

click on one of the color options though lets say "brown" and other capacity options will show (ie 13 oz, 14oz, etc).

I have traced through the stored procedure and narrowed the issue down to the line with the coalesce function.

The temporary table #FilterableSpecs has 34 unique SpecificationAttributeOptiondId's

but @FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds only has a comma delimited list of 25
12 年 前
I have figured it out, the length is too short in cases where you have a lot of specifications

@FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds nvarchar(100) = null OUTPUT
// nvarchar length of 100 causes the COALESCE function to break once the variable reaches its max length

for my solution I changed it to

@FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds nvarchar(MAX) = null OUTPUT
//in my case this variable can be very very large so I'm not sure what hard memory allocation to place on it)
12 年 前
It appears that the DbParameter size needs to be changed in code as well.
12 年 前
Thanks for reporting. I'll fix it in the near time
12 年 前
cybernexus wrote:
It's checked, without any pun intended I double checked.

for an example go to this address

On the left hand side is the filter area; under capacity you will see 11 oz.

click on one of the color options though lets say "brown" and other capacity options will show (ie 13 oz, 14oz, etc).

I have traced through the stored procedure and narrowed the issue down to the line with the coalesce function.

The temporary table #FilterableSpecs has 34 unique SpecificationAttributeOptiondId's

but @FilterableSpecificationAttributeOptionIds only has a comma delimited list of 25

I have the same problem
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