Google Checkout Adwords Tracking

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12 年 前
The current GC plugin doesn't allow for conversion tracking in adwords. The code needed is


YourConversionID could be a setting. We just have it hard coded for now.

12 年 前
Actually the whole URL should be a setting as Adwords provides the URL you should use for your account.
12 年 前
Thanks. I've just created a work item
12 年 前
unknown params such as orderTotal and shippingCost can be added also. I know how to add just one parameter

req.ParameterizedUrls.AddUrl("").AddParameter("totalCost", UrlParameterType.OrderTotal);

This will pass the order total once it has been calculated on the google server.

I'm not sure how to do multiple params. I got this far but then got stuck.

GCheckout.Checkout.ParameterizedUrl url = null;

url.AddParameter("totalCost", UrlParameterType.OrderTotal);
url.AddParameter("taxes", UrlParameterType.TaxAmount);
url.AddParameter("shipping", UrlParameterType.ShippingAmount);

GCheckout.Checkout.ParameterizedUrls urls = null;



12 年 前
Thanks, Darren. I've just updated the work item
11 年 前
Please use:

GCheckout.Checkout.ParameterizedUrl trackingUrl = new GCheckout.Checkout.ParameterizedUrl("");
    trackingUrl.AddParameter("oid", UrlParameterType.OrderID);
    trackingUrl.AddParameter("ot", UrlParameterType.OrderTotal);
    trackingUrl.AddParameter("zp", UrlParameterType.ShippingPostalCode);
10 年 前
Where to put Adwords conversion tracking? I have conversions visible in Analytics, but in Adwords no conversions show up. With CPA I guess Google is now passing through less traffic since the code is not there?
10 年 前
Quantis001 wrote:
Where to put Adwords conversion tracking? I have conversions visible in Analytics, but in Adwords no conversions show up. With CPA I guess Google is now passing through less traffic since the code is not there?

1. Is there a default place in NOP to add this (also remarketing?)
2. Is this module still relevant for version 3.2 (seems to include remarketing):
10 年 前
Quantis001 wrote:
2. Is this module still relevant for version 3.2 (seems to include remarketing):

I tried to install with description.txt change. But on install:
Method not found: 'Void Nop.Services.Configuration.ISettingService.SaveSetting(!!0)'.
10 年 前
I am modifying source for NOP 3.2 version.
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