Publishing local SQL server 2012 to a Live SQL server for Nopcommerce 2.6 [errors] please help!

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11 年 前

I installed nopcommerce 2.6 locally and used SQL server 2012 as its database during the installation process.
I have singed up for a hosting account on and Arvix hosting accounts have a Web gallery in the hosting account that allows you to directly download and install all the applications available on webmatrix gallery which include Nopcommerce V2.5.

So I have installed the Nopcommerce 2.5 directly from my hosting account (I did not upload my local website onto the hosting account) and now I want to publish my Nopcommerce V2.6 local SQL database onto the hosting accounts SQL database.

I go to SQL server management studio and right click on the local database and choose tasks and choose Export data and it takes me to Export data wizard, and then I choose my source of copying and then I enter the details where I want the SQL database to be copied to and click next and then I choose "Copy data from one or more tables and views " and in the "Select source tables and views " I choose all of the sources and click Next and on "Save and Run package " page I only chose RUN immediately and clicked Next, then there is the complete the wizard page asking me to review the stuff and clicked Finish then the following Error happens and Stops all the operation:

Operation stopped...

- Initializing Data Flow Task (Success)

- Initializing Connections (Success)

- Setting SQL Command (Success)

- Setting Source Connection (Success)

- Setting Destination Connection (Success)

- Validating (Error)
  * Error 0xc0202049: Data Flow Task 1: Failure inserting into the read-only column "Id".
   (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
  * Error 0xc0202045: Data Flow Task 1: Column metadata validation failed.
   (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
  * Error 0xc004706b: Data Flow Task 1: "Destination 1 - ActivityLogType" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
   (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
  * Error 0xc004700c: Data Flow Task 1: One or more component failed validation.
   (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)
  * Error 0xc0024107: Data Flow Task 1: There were errors during task validation.
   (SQL Server Import and Export Wizard)

- Prepare for Execute (Stopped)

- Pre-execute (Stopped)

- Executing (Success)

- Copying to [dbo].[ActivityLog] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ActivityLogType] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Address] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Affiliate] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[BackInStockSubscription] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[BlogComment] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[BlogPost] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Campaign] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Category] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[CategoryTemplate] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[CheckoutAttribute] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[CheckoutAttributeValue] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Country] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[CrossSellProduct] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Currency] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Customer] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[CustomerAddresses] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[CustomerContent] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[CustomerRole] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Discount] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Discount_AppliedToCategories] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Discount_AppliedToProductVariants] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[DiscountRequirement] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[DiscountUsageHistory] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Download] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[EmailAccount] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ExternalAuthenticationRecord] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Forums_Forum] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Forums_Group] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Forums_Post] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Forums_PrivateMessage] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Forums_Subscription] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Forums_Topic] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[GenericAttribute] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[GiftCard] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[GiftCardUsageHistory] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[GoogleProduct] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Language] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[LocaleStringResource] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[LocalizedProperty] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Log] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[MailChimpEventQueueRecord] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Manufacturer] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ManufacturerTemplate] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[MeasureDimension] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[MeasureWeight] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[MessageTemplate] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[News] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[NewsComment] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[NewsLetterSubscription] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Order] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[OrderNote] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[OrderProductVariant] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[PermissionRecord] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[PermissionRecord_Role_Mapping] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Picture] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Poll] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[PollAnswer] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[PollVotingRecord] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Product] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Product_Category_Mapping] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Product_Manufacturer_Mapping] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Product_Picture_Mapping] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Product_ProductTag_Mapping] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ProductAttribute] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ProductReview] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ProductReviewHelpfulness] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ProductTag] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ProductTemplate] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ProductVariant] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ProductVariant_ProductAttribute_Mapping] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ProductVariantAttributeCombination] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ProductVariantAttributeValue] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[QueuedEmail] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[RecurringPayment] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[RecurringPaymentHistory] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[RelatedProduct] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ReturnRequest] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[RewardPointsHistory] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ScheduleTask] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Setting] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Shipment] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Shipment_OrderProductVariant] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ShippingByWeight] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ShippingMethod] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ShippingMethodRestrictions] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[ShoppingCartItem] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[SpecificationAttribute] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[SpecificationAttributeOption] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[StateProvince] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[sysdiagrams] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[TaxCategory] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[TaxRate] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[TierPrice] (Stopped)

- Copying to [dbo].[Topic] (Stopped)

- Post-execute (Stopped)
11 年 前
Problem is that the primary keys are autonumbers (eg. Generated by the database) so you cannot insert an id
Your options are
1) remove the autonumber option from the pk in the database, insert data, add autonumber option again
2) use nop import/export
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