Custom Register page is loading real slow

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11 年 前
Hi everyone,

I had to customize the registration page completely. I added several fields to it but they are not supposed to be saved into the db. Instead, what was requested was to just have the extra fields emailed. So I did that by customizing the CustomerController of course and added the several fields into the Model as well to access the information. Also, instead of using the built in captcha system, work requested to make it a simple question and answer where I use the registration validator for the answer.

Unfortunately, it's been loading UBER slow. Does anyone have an idea as to why this is happening? If anyone has a suggestion on how I can trace why it's taking forever to load, please let me know.

Here is site:
11 年 前
I also ran a debug instance locally and when I attempt to access the registration page, it jumps to it rather quickly. Could it be my web host or something?
11 年 前
^ bump ^
11 年 前
^ bump ^
11 年 前
Ok, so it looks like the App Pool might be crashing when calling out the Register method? Has anyone ever ran into this before? However it only seems to be doing this on our server for Arvixe webhost. We have the exact same site mirrored on Singlehop on our dedicated server as a backup and the page doesn't load that slow nor does the App Pool crash. Need help gurus please. Thanks.
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