Api - insertproduct

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11 年 前
I'm writing a small program which adds products (and variants) in batch. So I found the function "InsertProduct" in de ProductService-class. How should I declare a Prdouctservice instance ?

This is what I'm doing now:

ProductService ps = new ProductService();

This doesn't work, because the constructor for the ProductService doensn't allow 0 arguments. I need about 20 arguments...

Isn't there an easier way to do this ?
11 年 前
use the same controller where you find the insert method found with a new different action on that controller. so no need to worry about passing parameters.

11 年 前
I don't think I understand what you are saying. Could you clarify it more ?
11 年 前
in Presentation/Nop.Admin/Controllers you can find ProductController.cs file. you can add one more action in that file and write your own logic.

11 年 前
regusman wrote:
I'm writing a small program which adds products (and variants) in batch. So I found the function "InsertProduct" in de ProductService-class. How should I declare a Prdouctservice instance ?

This is what I'm doing now:

ProductService ps = new ProductService();

This doesn't work, because the constructor for the ProductService doensn't allow 0 arguments. I need about 20 arguments...

Isn't there an easier way to do this ?

Just use Dependency Injection to do the job:

public class [YOUR_CLASS]
  private readonly IProductService _productService;

  public [YOUR_CLASS](IProductService productService)
    _productService = productService;

The code above does the following:
- declare a private field of type IProductService
- create a constructor that takes in IProductService
- maps the argument in the constructor to the private field
- nopCommerce will take care of the rest (i.e. resolving the dependencies)

General Rule of Thumb (correct for 90% of the time): If you have a service named [NAME]Service, then you'll have an interface I[NAME]Service, and vice versa. :)
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