File Upload Failed

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11 年 前
Hi All,

I am facing a serious trouble with product image uploading in nopcommerce 2.6.
There isn't any log generated for the upload failure.
I have provided the write permissions to all Content/ Directory and sub directories, but no success.

I am provided with error message like:  "flower.png  4.1kB  Failed"

Please help!

11 年 前
I have the same issue in 2.80 version. Anyone can help.
10 年 前
By using IE 7,how  to show the progress notification while uploading a file?
10 年 前
Make sure that the file type is added in the administration section:

Configuration > Settings > All Settings (Advanced) > catalogsettings.fileuploadallowedextensions

10 年 前
That i have already done,my question is about in IE 10 the file upload section shows progress notification by using the onprogress event in fileuploader.js but when using IE 8 onprogress event does not execute.I think in IE 10 supports XMLHttpRequest and IE 8 not.Can anyone help me to use XDomainRequest onprogress event.
10 年 前
My response was in reply to "sachin.mehndiratta" and his original post.

Your question about progress is unrelated and should really be started in another thread.
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