Publishing nopCommerce 2.8 Issues.

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11 年 前
I've been working with nopCommerce 2.8 on my development laptop for a few months and everything looks and works great.  I now want to move everything over to our development web server.

I have followed the instructions on

I ran the Prepare.bat/Deploy.bat files to create the "no source" package.

I copied all files and subfolders in the Deploable/Nop_2.8 direcetory over to the webserver.

I copied the Settings.txt and InstalledPlugins.txt to the App_Data folder.

I set all the write permissions.

The issue I have is when in the administration panel, there are several areas "not working"...


Promotions > Discounts > No records to display   --> There are records in the Discount table.

Configuration > Plugins > No records to display    --> All the plugins were copied over to the webserver (/Plugins).

System > Log > No records to display  --> There are records in the Log table.

I've have repeated the deploy process several times to make sure I didn't miss anything, but I can not seem to resolve the above issues.

Everything works fine on my laptop using Visual Studios 2012, I just can seem to get the deployment figured out.

Any help would be Greatly Appreciated.
11 年 前
Web Matrix is great for publishing nopCommerce. In your hosting control panel, find web publishing and enable web deploy publishing. Import these settings to Web Matrix after clicking publish. The only thing you will need to check or change is your connection string in App Data > Settings.txt.
11 年 前
Looking at it looks like it handles installing a new instance of nopCommerce 1.9.  However, I don't see an example of how to deploy an existing nopCommerce.

Any resources?
11 年 前
Ok... this appears to be an IIS issue.  I've been searching around the forums looking for a solution, but nothing has worked as of yet.  Is there an IIS checklist or something - issues with IIS to look out for when installing nopCommerce.

I created a new site in IIS, downloaded the no source version of nopCommerce, stepped through the install process.... and I'm still having issues.  I'm now getting the "Error! The requested URL returned 500 - Internal Server Error" message on almost all pages in the admin panel.
11 年 前
mstuart wrote:
However, I don't see an example of how to deploy an existing nopCommerce.

Try this:

(Change your Settings.txt from the local connection to your new connection string)

Install Web Matrix2

File > Open Folder as Site

Select the 'nop2.80' made by running Prepare.bat and Deploy.bat
located in Deployable if that is what you want to publish.

Click Publish

Import publish profile (recommended)

As long as your database is already installed on your server you site will be running in minutes.

I only suggest this because Web Matrix2 takes care of your settings if you can get a web deploy publish profile from your hosting.

It will be located in Web Sites > Web Publish or something similar in your hosting control panel.

Alternatively you can 'Enter Settings' ftp deploy within Web Matrix if you do not the have publishing profile.

I found using Web Matrix removes any random anomalies that can occur when you simply upload files to a wwwroot.

On a further note do you have any aftermarket plugins installed?

Quite often if you do not uninstall or install them correctly you can encounter the 500 error in the admin area.
For example  do not be logged in to the admin area whilst uploading plugins, once uploaded, log in and click on reload plugins.
11 年 前
I'm not using hosting.  I have my own webserver inhouse.  The issue seems to be with the IIS configuration from what I've read so far in the forum.  I have no issues running nopCommerce on my localhost (laptop / ASP.NET development server) using VS 2012.

Does anyone have a IIS configuration checklist for installing nopCommerce?
11 年 前
Web Platform Installer 4.5 > IIS Recommended Configuration
11 年 前
Sorry for the ignorance... could you be more specific... not sure where to find the "IIS Recommended Configuration"
11 年 前
Looking at the Log records... I'm seeing a lot of the following.

System.InvalidOperationException: This request has been blocked because sensitive
information could be disclosed to third party web sites when this is used in a GET request.
To allow GET requests, set JsonRequestBehavior to AllowGet.    

at System.Web.Mvc.JsonResult.ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)    
at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.<>c__DisplayClass1a.<InvokeActionResultWithFilters>b__17()    
at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionResultFilter(IResultFilter filter, ResultExecutingContext preContext, Func`1 continuation)    
at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionResultFilter(IResultFilter filter, ResultExecutingContext preContext, Func`1 continuation)    
at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionResultFilter(IResultFilter filter, ResultExecutingContext preContext, Func`1 continuation)    
at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionResultFilter(IResultFilter filter, ResultExecutingContext preContext, Func`1 continuation)    
at System.Web.Mvc.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionResultWithFilters(ControllerContext controllerContext, IList`1 filters, ActionResult actionResult)     at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncControllerActionInvoker.<>c__DisplayClass25.<BeginInvokeAction>b__22(IAsyncResult asyncResult)     at System.Web.Mvc.Controller.<>c__DisplayClass1d.<BeginExecuteCore>b__18(IAsyncResult asyncResult)     at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncResultWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass4.<MakeVoidDelegate>b__3(IAsyncResult ar)    
at System.Web.Mvc.Controller.EndExecuteCore(IAsyncResult asyncResult)    
at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncResultWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass4.<MakeVoidDelegate>b__3(IAsyncResult ar)    
at System.Web.Mvc.MvcHandler.<>c__DisplayClass8.<BeginProcessRequest>b__3(IAsyncResult asyncResult)    
at System.Web.Mvc.Async.AsyncResultWrapper.<>c__DisplayClass4.<MakeVoidDelegate>b__3(IAsyncResult ar)    
at System.Web.HttpApplication.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()    
at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)
11 年 前
Download and install Web Platform Installer 4.5 then type IIS Recommended Configuration into the search box! It should download and install without any problems. Good Luck
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