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11 年 前
I am using NopCommerce version 2.8. i have a requirement that we need to give the option to filter products
the option available in Product page and i need that box in category-navigation block for over all site, can
is use the filterpricebox in category-navigation block..? can any body suggest me the way to do it.

10 年 前

you can add the filterpricebox in the left column below the category navigation block by using a "section left" in CategoryTemplate.ProductsInGridOrLines.cshtml. You should add the following:

@section left
    @Html.Action("CategoryNavigation", "Catalog", new {currentCategoryId = Model.Id, currentProductId = currentProductId})
    @Html.Partial("_FilterPriceBox", Model.PagingFilteringContext.PriceRangeFilter, new ViewDataDictionary())
    @Html.Action("ManufacturerNavigation", "Catalog", new {currentManufacturerId = currentManufacturerId})
    @Html.Action("NewsletterBox", "Newsletter")
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