3.0 is slow (I thought they fixed these issues?!)

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11 年 前
I've been on 2.65 for a really long time -- mostly because anything above it was super slow. I followed some threads that suggested the problem was related to categories. I've only got 21, so not sure that fits me -- all I know is that when I upgraded to 2.7 it was abysmally slow, so I went back to 2.65.

Anyway, now here I am on 3.0 and the site crawls. My CPU's all get pegged at 100% anytime a new page is requested and it takes a good 20-30 seconds to display the page.

If this is a category issue (which I doubt it is) -- and assuming they (the optimizations) were implemented in 3.0 -- how do I take advantage of them?

I went with nopCommerce because it's the only good non-php solution out there but I'm about at the end of my patience... sure hope someone can guide me into optimizing finding the issue.

For what it's worth, site is here: http://store.incontrolzwave.com
11 年 前
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