After upgrade to 3.0: Products not shown in admin

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11 年 前

I recently upgraded to 3.0 and have a small problem.
In the admin area, no products are shown when filters are set to "All". (I would expect it to show all products available).
If I select Category 1 or Category 3, then the products for these categories are shown.
However, if I select Category 2, then no products are shown.

If I go to the Category administration page, I can actually see the products in Category 2. Also, in the shop front-end, the products are displayed. I just cannot administer them any more.

Does anyone have an idea why this could be?


11 年 前
I have traced and replayed the SQL statements, and the products are returned as they should.

I think the problem is somehow related to the frontend: When I select Category 1, the products of that category are displayed; when I select Category 2, the grid does not update and still shows the products from Category 1. If I select Category 3, the products of category 3 are displayed; if I select Category 2 after that, the grid still shows the products from Category 3.

Is there a new version of the Telerik controls in 3.0 in comparison to 2.8, that needs some configuration?


11 年 前
Do you a have a list of steps to reproduce this issue? Maybe, you can share database backup so I can test it?

P.S. yes, telerik was updated to the latest version
11 年 前

I have tried a few more things and it seems that the issue started when new products were added to Category 2. I have manually reassigned the products to other categories, and it started working. The categories I assigned the products to stopped working. Actually, whenever I create a new product, the category I assign it to stops working.

I just PMed you the FTP credentials for the backup.


11 年 前
After playing with your backup I found that records are really returned but not displayed because of the following reason. Your product descriptions have some prohibited chars. Maybe, they're removed by Telerik, maybe not allowed by JSON (I don't know). But if you remove these chars from your product descriptions, then they should be displayed just fine. I even cannot copy them here (they're not displayed here). I presume you copy-pasted their descriptions from MS Word or some other non-standard source.

For example, open your "BLACK QUEEN" product (ID 22), see "FullDescription" column, find the following words in it: "for extra realism". Now see the next two weird chars (middle line dots). Remove them. Do the same for all the other products.
11 年 前
Wow, thank you, it's working now!

Yes, you're right, I had copied the descriptions from OpenOffice. The characters were a paragraph/new line character. I don't think I had copied descriptions across in Version 2.80, so it is not an upgrade issue after all.

Again, thank you so much for your help!

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