Cart Transfer from One Store to Another in 3.x Multistore

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11 年 前

Webstore owner has Nop 3.x and has set up two stores with the idea of running it as one business, but tailoring two different stores to be two different departments. Store owner then links department one ( to department two (, and vise versa.

If a customer adds an item from and then clicks a link to do some shopping in, will that first item follow the customer to And will the customer be able to checkout with carted items from both stores (departments)?

11 年 前
Anybody know if carted items can be carried over from one multi-store to another?
11 年 前
They cannot.  Shopping Cart Items are store specific.
11 年 前
New York wrote:
They cannot.  Shopping Cart Items are store specific.

Thank you for the answer New York.

Do you or anyone else know if it can be achieved with customization?
11 年 前
Maybe.  Yes, it's probably as easy as updating the StoreId on the ShoppingCartItem record.   If you allow all products in all stores, then you should be OK.   But, I don't know whether that item would then be visible in the other store if you limited the product to a specific store  (See item # 7 in this blog).
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