Why Jquery scripts don't work in Nopcommerce??

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10 年 前
OK thanks, I will try the add feature and let you know if it works or not and where we can go from there if it does not work. Also if I just want the script for a certain page, is there  way to have it just for that page and not have the same script load for every page on the site if it is not needed...
10 年 前
Pdesignz wrote:
OK thanks, I will try the add feature and let you know if it works or not and where we can go from there if it does not work. Also if I just want the script for a certain page, is there  way to have it just for that page and not have the same script load for every page on the site if it is not needed...

Just use the same code in the specific View you want it to appear. You are not limited to adding scripts in Root.Head only. :)
10 年 前
So if I want this on a topic page, would I add this via the topic block or topic details page, or would I add the js and css files via the add new topic via the backend system
10 年 前
The file errors seem to have cleared up, but still do not seem to get it to work...I do not have the correct image paths at the moment, but I do not think that this would cause it to still not work...

Here is the demo of what I am trying to acomplish, http://codecanyon.net/item/accordion-gallery/full_screen_preview/137314
and here is my test topic,so can see that it is still not working, http://www.coronadosoroptimist.org/t/gallery-test

10 年 前
Pdesignz wrote:
The file errors seem to have cleared up, but still do not seem to get it to work...I do not have the correct image paths at the moment, but I do not think that this would cause it to still not work...

Here is the demo of what I am trying to acomplish, http://codecanyon.net/item/accordion-gallery/full_screen_preview/137314
and here is my test topic,so can see that it is still not working, http://www.coronadosoroptimist.org/t/gallery-test


You have this $('#gallery').accordionGallery(); thing, but I don't see any element with this Id (gallery). Can you confirm? :)
10 年 前
Within "topic-content" there is a css3 tag article which is article id="gallery"> When I paste in the code or add it via the html mode in the backend it seems that NopCommerce is stripping the article tags and adding </section> in the wrong areas that they should be, I might need to find a non-css3 gallery that uses standard div tags instead of the section and article tags and maybe nop will recognize it a little better. I will trying and see if it will recognize, otherwise I may need custom code a gallery page or find a gallery that the cms will not strip the tags
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