Changes/Customizations not showing on Live site?

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14 年 前
I am working on some customizations that all seem to work when I build the site locally but after I push the changed files to Rackspace the changes do not appear? For example on the customer info screen I added a text box and tried to display various customer attributes such as ID or Name. The textbox is visable but no content, even when I hard code "test". Everything works fine when I build locally.

Any ideas?

CustomerInfo.ascx.cs file:

txtCustID.Text = "test";
txtCustID.Text = customer.FirstName;
14 年 前
You will need to flsuh your websites application pool so the server can recache the files. To do this you will need to login to the admin system of your hosting provider and located the application pool settings.
14 年 前
14 年 前
wait a second, may be I didnt understand correctly. are you making changes to the cs file then recompiling the dll and uploading or are you just uploading the cs file?

If so and you are new to programming you need to understand the difference between a website and a web application.

as nopcommerce is a web application the dll needs to be recompiled and uploaded. the cs (code behind) files do not need to be uploaded
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