SSL not working on login, checkout, customer, and all admin pages

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10 年 前
Hi all,

This is driving me nuts.  I was informed by a customer that wanted to place an order, but she noticed that there was no SSL padlock in her browser, so I looked into it.
At first I tried changing the only setting that I could find in the web.config file requireSSL="false" as there is no setting for SSL anymore on the admin page.

    <authentication mode="Forms">
      <forms name="NOPCOMMERCE.AUTH" loginUrl="~/login" protection="All" timeout="43200" path="/" requireSSL="false" slidingExpiration="true" />

The web.config file, if requireSSL="true" then no cookie is saved. (the site just logs you right back off), so I changed requireSSL back to false (so someone can place an order).

I also noticed that all the admin pages are unsecured (including the login page) unless you explicitly type in HTTPS:// into the URI bar (I had this saved in my browser, so I never even noticed that HTTP is never redirected to HTTPS).

I then tried checking the Force SSL for all site pages:  box.  This works ONLY if you already type in HTTPS first.  Again, HTTP requests are not redirected to HTTPS like the setting implies.
I really don't want all the site's pages in SSL (slows things down), just the login, checkout, customer and all admin pages.

Is there a trick to get this to work? (I apparently had this same issue in version 3.0 and now version 3.1)
10 年 前
Ok, I finally found the answer in another post.
But for those who need an exact answer, follow the directions below:

For versions 3.0 and up, you can go to the database directly.
Find the table, "STORE", and run the query:

  update [Store] set [SslEnabled]=1 where [Name]='your store name here'
10 年 前
Or you can go to the admin area, Configuration, Stores. Then select your store and click Edit. On the page that comes up you can enable SSL
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