Remove product tags

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10 年 前
I am using nopCommerce version 2.65.  Is it possible to remove the "POPULAR TAGS" box on the sidebar and the "PRODUCT TAGS" feature entirely from the product pages.  We would like to turn this feature off.  What is the easiest way?  Thanks,
10 年 前
In 2.65, to remove the popular tags block from the left column,
edit Views\Shared\_ColumnsThree.cshtml and comment out or delete line 48
  @Html.Action("PopularProductTags", "Catalog")
To remove the product tags section from product details pages, edit the following views:

and comment out or delete the following line in each:  
 @Html.Action("ProductTags", "Catalog", new { productId = Model.Id }) 
10 年 前
Sorry, this doesn't seem to work.  I've made the changes, but there is no change in the applications behavior that I can tell.  I've cleared my browser cache and rebuilt the solution.
10 年 前
Ok, my fault.  I'm using a theme and I needed to make these changes to the same Views in the Theme folder.  Thanks.  This solution works great.
10 年 前
Do you have access of your website. you remove all the tags from your sitebar. Open your websites seo section. you will find complete details of your seo.
9 年 前
Any help doing this on 3.3?
9 年 前
Like in 2.65, edit Views\Shared\_ColumnsThree.cshtml  
delete   @Html.Action("PopularProductTags", "Catalog")
Find and delete code:  @Html.Partial("_ProductTags", Model.ProductTags)
in views:
9 年 前
Thanks a ton.  

I can do that, but, I have to justify it to my bosses, currently I see a lot of Duplicate content issues with product tags and not a lot of upside.    

Is there an advantage to having product tags?  I don't see it used on many other cart platforms (none of the top of my head) or is there even a way for me to see how often it's used on my site?

9 年 前
CaseyW wrote:
Thanks a ton.  

I can do that, but, I have to justify it to my bosses, currently I see a lot of Duplicate content issues with product tags and not a lot of upside.    

Is there an advantage to having product tags?  I don't see it used on many other cart platforms (none of the top of my head) or is there even a way for me to see how often it's used on my site?


Many shopping cart projects make use of product tags such as Magento.

Product tags are very useful and can be used in different ways according to store admin.Tags are descriptors that you can assign to any product to help you organize and remember them. They’re essentially keywords or keyword phrases

Tags are useful for customers because they can use these keywords to search for specific products through your storefront search.

If product tag feature is not useful for you - You don't have to use it.
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