Jevell Jewelry - most everything under $20 - Wholesale to the Public

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10 年 前
I will be making this better:
10 年 前
Updated to be ultra clean and styled like Ebay's new Collection graphics. - Jevell Jewelry
10 年 前
My website has a few modifications to the code, one of which display the sale banner on any products, that had an old-price.

Flawlesssteel Jewellery
10 年 前
SChalice ,

I really like the site! Nice job.

I'm very new to NoOpcommerce, and I would like to know how you made the home page show only jewelry.

Keep up the great work!

10 年 前
Super Lean and Clean!  A very tight store:

Hi Bill,

In order to make the home page show only products, I think these would be the steps:

1) You first want to switch to one column mode. You need to edit Views/Home/Index.cshtml

    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_ColumnsOne.cshtml";

2) Remove anything in the Nivo slider Widget.

3) Products will show on the home page if you select "Show on home page" on the first tab of the individual product page


10 年 前
Good one.. But its loading too slow. Don't know if its just happening with me.
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