Overriding the controllers

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10 年 前

I've managed to override the ShoppingCartController with a  plugin, but I have had to modify the core, because overriding the procedure was causing an error - I did a simple modification by adding "virtual" to the method I needed to override :

I had to modify the original ShoppingCartController.cs in Nop.Web

        protected virtual void PrepareShoppingCartModel(ShoppingCartModel model,

and now in the plugin I can use

        protected override void PrepareShoppingCartModel(ShoppingCartModel model,

This is the first override I've done on a controller as it is quite a difficult, but it could be easier. I've seen in the change logs about adding "virtual" - but as this is the first time I've had to modify the core I wanted to ask if this "virtual" attribute will be added to the controllers for future versions of nop, so that overriding controllers via plugins is easier. For a previous plugin I had to copy the controller, create a duplicate and override the routes - but this method allows me to override just what I need, so upgrades will be easier to maintain.

10 年 前
Just curious why you didn't just copy the method(s) into your plugin and override the "/cart" route map(s) to point to your own controller...

no core mods required.

I guess at the end of the post you allude to this approach, but you don't have to override all the routes... only the ones you need.
10 年 前
I agree.  I think any core method that is public should be virtual for extending it.
10 年 前
in my plugin i also had to extend the shoppingcartcontroller and to accomplish without modifying the nop code i did it in the same way as mattsoundworld said.

it works very well, but it doesn't feel fine to copy the source in your own plugin, i also think that all public controller methods should be at least virtual
10 年 前
Basically - It's a customization to allow no VAT for certain size variations (UK, child sizes are VAT Free!) I don't need to override any of the Actions for this plugin - only the [NonActions] - the plugin has overrides for:


Adding "virtual" to the functions I need to override means that I have to use a custom Nop.Services.dll and Nop.Web.dll - but this isn't an issue for this project as I've documented the process and hopefully when we upgrade to 3.3 all the protected [NonAction] functions in all the controllers will have "virtual" added - I will put a request in the 3.3 thread for this to see if it's possible.

Thanks for the replies...
10 年 前
Thanks for suggestions. Please see work item here
9 年 前
Upgrading the store in question from 3.1 to 3.3 has highlighted that I still need to modify the core to give the functionality I need. I have now voted for the workitem (bit late I know ;-) as we have some more stores being developed that need the zero VAT for child sizes, so I hope that the plugin architecture can be further developed for future versions of Nop.

Is there a way that I can contribute to the plugin architecture? There are a few more points in the code where dummy classes could be added, specifically for adding routines from plugins - one that comes to mind would be in the Global.asax Application_Begin_Request.
9 年 前
I've finished the upgrade and I can see that some of the proposed work has been completed, but I still have a custom Nop.Admin.Dll and Nop.Web.Dll because "virtual" hasn't added to the [NonAction]'s in the controllers; specifically:

nop.admin - OrderController, line 228, protected virtual void PrepareOrderDetailsModel(OrderModel model, Order order)

nop.web - CatalogController, line 313,         protected virtual IEnumerable<ProductOverviewModel> PrepareProductOverviewModels(IEnumerable<Product> products,
            bool preparePriceModel = true, bool preparePictureModel = true,
            int? productThumbPictureSize = null, bool prepareSpecificationAttributes = false,
            bool forceRedirectionAfterAddingToCart = false)

nop.web OrderController, line 98, protected virtual OrderDetailsModel PrepareOrderDetailsModel(Order order)

nop.web ShoppingCartContoller, line 243,         protected virtual void PrepareShoppingCartModel(ShoppingCartModel model,
            IList<ShoppingCartItem> cart, bool isEditable = true,
            bool validateCheckoutAttributes = false,
            bool prepareEstimateShippingIfEnabled = true, bool setEstimateShippingDefaultAddress = true,
            bool prepareAndDisplayOrderReviewData = false)

These are the points in the code that actually render the price, so I'm doing a simple flip-flop on the tax.
9 年 前
marc wrote:
Is there a way that I can contribute to the plugin architecture?

Sure. Please find more info here. Read "Contributing source code (Git SCM version for developers)".

marc wrote:
...but I still have a custom Nop.Admin.Dll and Nop.Web.Dll because "virtual" hasn't added to the [NonAction]'s in the controllers; specifically....

Done. Please see changeset f3a300be8f51. Thanks
9 年 前
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