Invalid Viewstate

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14 年 前
14 年 前
We've seen quite a few of these errors.  Appears to be and IE 8 issue.

We haven't been able to substantiate any negative impact to our end users due to this issue.

14 年 前
Im getting a substantial number of them
14 年 前
Generate your machine key at

Modify the web.config file to

<?xml version="1.0"?>



        <machineKey validationKey='4XXXXABBECEAAD1E5C5BC0791ED5AB9A2CB4BE34D24BFAE882E295279A339F8069E02CC0AA2C3C871928ABD0C30019ADC5E064D24C48D95C72614C2ACFD99D' decryptionKey='B7420221667B35322DB8602DB91D25AB623F76C7D66B998E' validation='SHA1'/>


There you have it. You have cured your view state errors.
14 年 前
I have 1-2 such errors a day, v1.2. Did compucell solution work for anybody? i'm a bit reluctant to put hardcoded machineKey  in web.config unless it fixes the problem for sure.
14 年 前
Yeah it seems like most servers don't have this problem. But if yours does cause it i am afraid its the only way out.
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