How to implement 'remove' buttons to each shopping cart row in v3.40

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9 年 前
I'm hoping to add a 'remove' button to each row of the shopping cart page to make it easier for the user to edit their cart. I've tried the solution provided in this post - - and it says to add the following to the cart page:

<input type="submit" name="removefromcart-@(item.Id)" value="@T("ShoppingCart.Remove")" />

...but it doesn't seem to work for V3.40. Does anybody know how to implement this in V3.40?
9 年 前
jono10 wrote:
I'm hoping to add a 'remove' button to each row of the shopping cart page to make it easier for the user to edit their cart. I've tried the solution provided in this post - - and it says to add the following to the cart page:

<input type="submit" name="removefromcart-@(item.Id)" value="@T("ShoppingCart.Remove")" />

...but it doesn't seem to work for V3.40. Does anybody know how to implement this in V3.40?


I implemented another way for this issue.
Please have a look my solution:

1) Copy and paste the "OrderSummary.cshtml" file to the "Themes/DefaultClean/Views/ShoppingCart" folder

2) Open this copied file, and then find following block of code

<td class="remove-from-cart">
                                <span class="td-title">@T("ShoppingCart.Remove"):</span>
                                <input type="checkbox" name="removefromcart" value="@(item.Id)" />

replace with following code

<td class="remove-from-cart">
                                <span class="td-title">@T("ShoppingCart.Remove"):</span>
                                <input type="checkbox" id="[email protected]" name="removefromcart" value="@(item.Id)" />
                                <span data-checkbox-id="[email protected]" class="remove-from-cart-item-action ico ico-delete"></span>

3) And then, add following javascript block at the bottom of this file

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var container = '.order-summary-content';
        $('.remove-from-cart span.remove-from-cart-item-action', container).on('click', function () {
            $('#' + $(this).data('checkbox-id'), container).prop('checked', true);
            $('.update-cart-button', container).click();

4) Finally, add following line of codes to the "styles.css" file (inside the "Themes/DefaultClean/Content" folder)

/* Custom remove icon button for each item in the shopping-cart */
.order-summary-content .remove-from-cart > input[type='checkbox'] {
    display: none;
.order-summary-content .ico {
    display: inline-block;
    height: 16px;
    width: 16px;
.order-summary-content .remove-from-cart > .ico-delete {
    background: url(images/ico-delete.gif) center center no-repeat;

Hope this help :)
9 年 前
Thanks for the reply, however I found another solution where I copied the RemoveCartItem method from the ShoppingCartController in V3.20, and pasted it into the ShoppingCartController for v3.40. And now I can use this button:
<input type="submit" name="removefromcart-@(item.Id)" value="@T("ShoppingCart.Remove")" />
8 年 前
Great job ima9ines, I appreciate this solution, that worked for me in 3.60
8 年 前
You can try my plugin for this:

Hope this help :)
8 年 前
When removing an item, does it just automatically remove the item or will it ask for confirmation?
8 年 前
Good question :)
I will add this feature to my plugin. Thanks.
8 年 前
More than welcome. And thanks to you also, great little addition to nop... they should consider adding this to the core coding.
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