Cross-site request forgery/Confused deputy problem

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9 年 前

I have been doing some custom development work against nop 3.5 and I think I have found a CSRF vulnerability in the Admin portal.

I have setup a demo site @ to demonstrate the attack leveraged against the demo admin portal @

The step to reproduce the attack are (note this was tested in Google Chrome);

1) Go to ( nop demo admin portal and login. (Email:[email protected] Password:admin)
2) Take a note of the gift card count.
3) Go to (
4) Go to gift card list page again ( and see the new gift card.

The issue here is if a user with authorization to edit gift cards is socially engineered into visiting they will unknowingly create a new gift card. I am sure with a little thought you could engineer a much less benign attack.

9 年 前
Hi Nick,

Everything works fine. Gift cards cannot be "created" this way. I presume somebody created it manually on your site.

P.S. Please do note duplicate forum topics (deleted)
9 年 前
Hi a.m,

Where you not able to reproduce the issue?

I can send you a video of the attack in action.

9 年 前
Hi Nick,

I have admin access to several dozens sites powered by nopCommerce. And none of them has this issue.

It's not possible (even theoretically) to create a new gift card record by visiting (simple page open) two sites
9 年 前
By the way if you want to avoid XSRF attack in admin area (although I don't think your example is related to it) please have a look at how it's implemented to registration process (public store) and then implement the same in admin area

1. \Views\Customer\Register.cshtml file - @Html.AntiForgeryToken()
2. \Nop.Web\Controllers\CustomerController.cs - [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] attribute for "Register" method
9 年 前

Here is a video of what I am seeing.


9 年 前
Hi Nick,

Thanks a lot. I thought your site ( is just a clean nopCommerce installation. Now I see that you created a form with POST to nopCommerce admin area. Thanks for explanation and video.

In this case my suggestion above should work. I've just created a work item for this task
9 年 前
No worries,

Would you like me to pull the video or keep it up for reference?

9 年 前
Hi Nick,

Please keep it up. Thanks
9 年 前

Here is a pull for 6 controller worth of fixes (CategoryController,CampaignController, BlogController, AffiliateController, AddressAttributeController and ActivityLogController) to resolve the issue.

This is a very time consuming task, if my changes here work for you i'll implement the rest.

Cheer, Nick

P.S. This is my first time using Git/CodePlex so let me know if this is the right way to submit code.
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