Turn of Breadcrumb?

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14 年 前
Maybe I'm just missing it, but I cannot find a place to turn off the breadcrumb trail. Any pointers?
14 年 前
nowhere to turn it off, you need to alter some code.

unless you want to change the c#, you might be best just hiding the breadcrumb

    <div class="breadcrumb" style="visibility: hidden;" >

you need to look at the templates/categories  files   eg   productsingrid.ascx   productsinline1.ascx
modules/   ProductCategoryBreadcrumb.ascx
14 年 前
hello. what is "breadcrumb trail" ??

14 年 前
It is the hyperlink bar of text just below the upper menu that shows where you are in the site.

e.g.  Home/Cat1/Sub-cat2/Product-a

In the above example, if you're viewing Product-a, you can click on Cat1 in the breadcrumb trail and go right to it.

One problem I am encountering it that when I have products linked to multiple categories, I may get to the product page by navigating through Cat3, but the breadcrumb trail shows Cat1.
14 年 前
13 年 前
Thanks for the info about hiding bread crumbs.

I did it by simply changing the productcategorybreadcrumbs to visiblity: "false";

You saved me a ton of time!
13 年 前
Instead of setting visibility to hidden, in the .aspx file you can put:

<% if (0)
      { %>
//breadcrumb code is here
<% } %>

This will take it completely out of the html markup.
13 年 前
I turned it off by simply applying display:none; in styles.css .breadcrumb. If you set visibility to hidden, it still takes up some space. That is if you don't want to mess the C# code. Just thought I'd share if anyone has the same problem.
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