Reviews and Specification tabs

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14 年 前
by default, the Product Reviews tab are open...How do I make the Product Specification tab to be the default one? It doesn't have to be shown first...

Thank you,
14 年 前
go to templates/products  varientsingrid.ascx                      <ajaxToolkit:TabContainer>

and swap the   2         <ajaxToolkit:TabPanel>   around
14 年 前
it did switch the order, but the Review tab is still the default one :-(
14 年 前
look at    Page_PreRender    in  varientsingrid.ascx.cs      

            if (pnlProductSpecs.Visible)
                ProductsTabs.ActiveTab = pnlProductSpecs;

            if (pnlProductReviews.Visible)
                ProductsTabs.ActiveTab = pnlProductReviews;

swap these two around - tested in v1.5

remember to recompile after
13 年 前
tlp560 wrote:
I just paid for the 1.50 document in May and now I have to pay for 1.60, and 1.70 documents again in a short 2 months in order to get an update. It's ridiculous to make money this way.

Thank you,
13 年 前
This also works for version 1.8.
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