Localize payment method

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8 年 前
My website using 2 languages,English and Hebrew.I am using Paypal as payment method.In one page checkout,in payment method,it is display "Paypal" in English.How can i change "Paypal" text in Hebrew?
I am using Nopcommerce version 3.70
8 年 前
We can surely help, but PayPal is a brand name and judging by their Hebrew page it is written in English amidst the text in Hebrew.
8 年 前

to do it you should add the following string resource to your languages:

"Plugins.FriendlyName.PluginSystemName", where PluginSystemName is the system name of your payment plugin, that you can see on the payment methods page in the admin area.

For PayPal Standard, for example, it will look like this: Plugins.FriendlyName.Payments.PayPalStandard
6 年 前
Hi Mariann

Your suggestion doesn't work
3 年 前
Thanks, it worked for me
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