Suggestion: Store order payment/refund transaction information in a separate table.

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7 年 前
We currently use and do pre-authorizations at the time an order is placed. We then do a capture when we ship.

When doing a refund for a return or other type of credit there is no way to see the amount of the original capture.

Actually returns should be handled as a separate transaction altogether. In our case if the refund happens in a different month or fiscal period from the sale it changes our sales tax liability.

Also there are occasions when an item is out of stock and is removed from the order or the customer changes the shipping method and the final capture is different than the pre-auth amount.

Then possibly multiple payments per order could be implemented. We often have situations where a customer decides to upgrade the shipping or add an item to an existing order.
7 年 前
Thanks a lot for suggestion. This work item already exists
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