SUGGESTION: Allow add to basket from catalog page for products that have readonly product attriubutes

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7 年 前
Currently if a product has any product attributes and we try to add it to the basket from a category page the default behaviour of nop is to redirect to the product page to give the customer a chance to select the attribute values before adding it. This is occurs because of this block of code in the AddProductToCart_Catalog ActionResult of the ShoppingCartController:

            if (product.ProductAttributeMappings.Any())
                //product has some attributes. let a customer see them
                return Json(new
                    redirect = Url.RouteUrl("Product", new { SeName = product.GetSeName() }),

If the product only has readonly checkbox attributes that the customer would have no control over this behaviour still occurs (if the checkbox is set to pre-selected). I think it would be preferable in this case if the product was added directly to the basket. This can be achieved by changing the code above to this:

            if (product.ProductAttributeMappings.Any(a => a.AttributeControlType != AttributeControlType.ReadonlyCheckboxes))
                //product has some attributes that are not readonly. let a customer see them
                return Json(new
                    redirect = Url.RouteUrl("Product", new { SeName = product.GetSeName() }),

This bypasses the initial validation for products that only have readonly checkbox attributes but the add to basket still fails when the _shoppingCartService.AddToCart function is called. This can be made to work by generating the attributesXml for the readonly attributes and passing it to the AddToCart function like this (additions in bold):

            string attributesXml = "";
            //if product has some readonly attributes generate the xml to allow them to add to basket
            foreach (var attribute in product.ProductAttributeMappings.Where(a => a.AttributeControlType == AttributeControlType.ReadonlyCheckboxes))
                //load read-only (already server-side selected) values
                var attributeValues = _productAttributeService.GetProductAttributeValues(attribute.Id);
                foreach (var selectedAttributeId in attributeValues
                    .Where(v => v.IsPreSelected)
                    .Select(v => v.Id)
                    attributesXml = _productAttributeParser.AddProductAttribute(attributesXml,
                        attribute, selectedAttributeId.ToString());

            //now let's try adding product to the cart (now including product attribute validation, etc)
            addToCartWarnings = _shoppingCartService.AddToCart(customer: _workContext.CurrentCustomer,
                product: product,
                shoppingCartType: cartType,
                storeId: _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id,
                attributesXml: attributesXml,
                quantity: quantity);
            if (addToCartWarnings.Count > 0)
                //cannot be added to the cart
                //but we do not display attribute and gift card warnings here. let's do it on the product details page
                return Json(new
                    redirect = Url.RouteUrl("Product", new { SeName = product.GetSeName() }),

I think these two changes would allow products that have only readonly attributes to be added directly to the basket while still retaining the current redirect behaviour for products with attribute types that require the customer to make a decision.
7 年 前
Hi Pete,

Thanks a lot for suggestion. Here is a work item
7 年 前
Hello. I implemented this task. Please see this commit for more details.
7 年 前
Awesome, thanks!
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