FedEx Plugin not working with Domestic country(for india)

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7 年 前
FedEx Plugin not working with Domestic country(for india).

What changes i need to do into FedEx plugin that working with Domestic country.
I am from india. i need to use FedEx plugin only for india but its not working. when i ask about it to fedEx customer care, they tell me to add some code into our plugin. but i dont know where i need to add this text into plugin.

fedEx customer care provide code that describe below

“Please note that FedEx does not have any insight about any third party application, you need to get all the additional plugins/features from the owner of the application. We will only guide you on doing any kind of changes or modification require in the request while submitting the request to FedEx server.”

The tag which is missing from your request is, please contact your services provider to include the <CustomsClearanceDetails> Tag






                        <AccountNumber>Input Your Information</AccountNumber>






































7 年 前
Are you a C# developer?  Do you have Visual Studio?
7 年 前
Yes i am c# Developer and also having visual studio. would you like to tell me that what i need to do next and also tell me that which code i need to update into this plugin.
7 年 前
Modify plugins\\fedexcomputationmethod.cs

before the final 'return request', I think you need to create/assign instance of CustomsClearanceDetail, and assign its properties...

private RateRequest CreateRateRequest(GetShippingOptionRequest getShippingOptionRequest, out Currency requestedShipmentCurrency)
            request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail = ...
            return request;
7 年 前
I have get the solution for this issue. please check my code that added into FedexComputationMethod.cs file that exist into Fedex Plugin. Insert this code after 110 line no of this plugin file. also check my image that added that much easier for you.

#region Customization to make this plugin for india

            if (getShippingOptionRequest.CountryFrom.TwoLetterIsoCode == getShippingOptionRequest.ShippingAddress.Country.TwoLetterIsoCode)
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail = new CustomsClearanceDetail();
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CommercialInvoice = new CommercialInvoice();
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CommercialInvoice.Purpose = PurposeOfShipmentType.SOLD;
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CommercialInvoice.PurposeSpecified = true;
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CustomsValue = new Money();
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CustomsValue.Currency = "INR";
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CustomsValue.AmountSpecified = true;
                request.RequestedShipment.CustomsClearanceDetail.CustomsValue.Amount = 100;
                request.CarrierCodes = new RateServiceWebReference.CarrierCodeType[1];
                request.CarrierCodes[0] = RateServiceWebReference.CarrierCodeType.FDXE;
            #endregion Customization to make this plugin for india

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