Hi all!

I would like to set prepareSpecificationAttributes for products to true in PrepareProductOverviewModels method. Catalog is about books, and authors are entered as attributes, displaed above book name. It worked great, user is able to select all products from single author etc, but new version doesn't load attributes by default.

I have added my custom CatalogController as per http://tech.sunnyw.net/2013/11/nopcommerce-customization-with.html

public partial class CustomCatalogController : Nop.Web.Controllers.CatalogController
#region Fields
#region Constructors
public CustomCatalogController(...) : base(...)

protected override IEnumerable<ProductOverviewModel> PrepareProductOverviewModels(bool prepareSpecificationAttributes = true,...) {
          return this.PrepareProductOverviewModels(...);

and in DependencyRegistrar changed CatalogController to CustomCatalogController


...but products are still loaded without attributes. If I hardcode default in the core CatalogController.PrepareProductOverviewModels to prepareSpecificationAttributes = true, it works. What am I missing?
