Managing data: White- or blacklisting product or other data. Discount type: Assigned to products/Applied to products/ Add new products

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7 年 前

does anybody have a solution or idea (or plugin) how to manage/ handle e.g. product data, add or exclude products from a list.
In this case, discount type/rule that applies for almost all thousands of products, except a minority.
Currently in nC3.7/ 3.8 Admin/ backend:!AtpAi2c5_ee65Aj9KhaPl1n0F1Hw!AtpAi2c5_ee65Aj9KhaPl1n0F1Hw
If I setup a new discount type/ rule: "Assigned to products", it's required in the "Applied to products tap", to click all, add all products page by page, which is time consuming if you have thousands of data.

Would it be possible to select/add all in database (not 100 page after page)? with 2 additional buttons "assign all" and "unassign all"
Attached you see a Implementation Example from Oxid-esales for orientation/ inspiration!AtpAi2c5_ee65AWLfTfXweMnnyTe!AtpAi2c5_ee65AWLfTfXweMnnyTe
Thanks for sharing your solutions or implementation recommendation.
7 年 前
There's already a check box at the top of first column that toggles the checked state of all items in the grid.  You can also change the available page sizes for the grids in the admin area from the advanced settings page. Do a search for settings with pagesize in the name and the first 2 in the list should be adminareasettings.defaultgridpagesize and adminareasettings.gridpagesizes.

Just increase these to something more comfortable (I have it permanently set to 100, 500, 5000 with 100 as the default) then you should be able to view all the products at once, toggle them all to checked with one click, and then just uncheck the ones you don't want.
7 年 前
Great hint. Thx!
7 年 前
Check this plugin:
7 年 前
Thanks, but I think from what I saw roughly, this plugin doesn't meet my requirements.

Actually I'm looking for a solution to except some products for a def. discount rule, to exclude some idiv. product: (which I think is not possible with standard discount settings/ config.)

Customer gets a discount of xy EUR on order sub total,

1. Discount requirement type: SubTotal in Shopping Cart x.xx
(e.g. Required spent amount: >100 EUR)

2.a) Discount requirement type: Non of this products is in shopping card

Customer gets NO discount at all, if an excepted product is in shopping card
2.b) Discount requirement type: Except this products in discount requirement calculation (e.g. Required spent amount: >100 EUR)

Customer gets the discount, only if all other products in shopping card exceed the required spent amount: >100 EUR (w/o excepted product)
5 年 前
Hi stepwil,

Did you find a solution for this? Will your discount be fixed like $10 off for $50 (excluding some products) or will it be based on percentage?
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