how to get products By Category ID

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15 年 前

I want to get products categories wise, any help please.
15 年 前
Have a look at the code used on the Category pages /Templates/Categories/ProductsInGrid.ascx.cs

In particular ProductCategoryManager.GetProductCategoriesByCategoryID(CategoryID)

Hope this helps,
15 年 前
Thank you so much, its working fine, i want to know that how can i add multiple products into cart, I've got category wise products and have a checkbox in front
of each product, whether i should use the following or something else to add products into cart,

I've a categories into the datalist and against each category there are relitive products.

foreach (DataListItem dtItem in dlCategories.Items)
     foreach (RepeaterItem item in rptMultiProducts.Items)
      // code after getting controls
         if (cbAddToCart.Checked)
            if (ProductManager.DirectAddToCartAllowed(productID, out productVariantID))
               ShoppingCartManager.AddToCart(ShoppingCartTypeEnum.ShoppingCart, productVariantID, new List<int>(), string.Empty, 1);

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