Compilation after .cs Modif

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6 年 前
Hello from France,

Please i'm new with the source code, but after modifiyng somes rules into a .cs File
like CustomerInfoValidators.cs for VAT and PHONE fields validation rules

what file shoud i must compil and copy into the server ?

Or is there a doc for that into the developper guide?

Im using :NOP 3.9 version code src with VS 2017

Thanks a lot to guide me

6 年 前
Hi Michel,

You can take a look on which project you are doing customize.

for example if you doing customization on CustomerInfoValidator.cs file then this file located into nop.web project.

So you have to go \Presentation\Nop.Web\obj\ then you will find Debug and Release folders.

If you are building project on debug mode in visual studio then you can use Nop.Web.dll from debug folder.

If you are building project on release mode in visual studio then you can use Nop.Web.dll from release folder.

Recommended is Release folder.

6 年 前

Sorry but under Presentation folder i dont have obj folder :

only that (see bellow)
6 年 前

If you want to see that folder in visual studio then you have to click on Show All files button in solution explorer window.

My suggestion is go to physical path and try to find that folder in file explorer instead in VS.

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