Discount Configuration

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6 年 前
Here's what I'm trying to do: Buy at least 2 products from a specific manufacturer and save $xx.

Basically what I'm trying to achieve is very similar to the "Discount requirement type › Customer has one of these products in the cart" but instead of one product I'd want it to be "at least two."

Does that make sense? Any way to achieve this out of the box or via a plugin?

Not trying to get into tiered pricing if it can be avoided.
6 年 前
webtego wrote:
Here's what I'm trying to do: Buy at least 2 products from a specific manufacturer and save $xx.

Basically what I'm trying to achieve is very similar to the "Discount requirement type › Customer has one of these products in the cart" but instead of one product I'd want it to be "at least two."

Does that make sense? Any way to achieve this out of the box or via a plugin?

Not trying to get into tiered pricing if it can be avoided.


This is not available out of the box, and I can't think of any plugins that you could use to accomplish exactly what you want...however...maybe this will do the trick?

This plugin allows you to block any discount for particular manufacturer(s)

You could use it to prevent the discount from being applied to any product other than the manufacturer you want discounted...

But that doesn't change the fact that you can't specify that the customer must have any TWO products in your list of product IDs....

If your goal is to sell more of a particular brand of product, then there is another plugin, which is not a true "discount" plugin...but rather allows you to configure special price offers. Those offers can contain one, two, three, a dozen different products...the customer must purchase the entire offer at whatever special price you configure...

So..using that plugin, you could create several special offers with combinations of two or three products from only the manufacturer you want...
productA by ACME, Inc. + ProductB by ACME, Inc. = $99.00
productB by ACME, Inc. + ProductC by ACME, Inc. = $99.00
productA by ACME, Inc. + ProductC by ACME, Inc. = $99.00
productA by ACME, Inc.  + ProductB by ACME, Inc. + ProductC by ACME, Inc. = $139.00

The plugin has a message template which you can customize and allows you to send to your subscriber list, or to a comma-separated list.

You can put all your special offers on the same email. Each special offer page has a unique URL (tokenized)
The customers receive the email with special links to the special price offers...this is the only way to get the special price. If they enter your site any other way, special price offer will not apply.

You can use another of Foxnetsoft's plugins called Smart Campaigns which allows you to generate a list of emails of only those customers who purchased this product and/or that product or who purchased between this date and that date, etc..
6 年 前
Thanks for the reply and the suggestion. Much appreciated.

I'll look into this approach, but there are hundreds of products which would result in tens of thousands of possible combinations, so not sure how feasible it is.

It's almost like I need tiered pricing at the manufacturer level as opposed to the product level.
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