Deploy GitHub source code repositories to an Azure App Service

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6 年 前
I can not install nopcommerce 4.00 from github. This is the error message.

The source won't compile.

Any solution?
6 年 前
Hello, unfortunately, we have only one branch compatible with the installation into the azure, its name is "azure-depoyment-package". It contains the code for 3.90, we will update it soon. You can't install nopCommerce to the azure from other branches.
6 年 前
Actually, it is possible, IF you use something like VSTS as an intermediary, which is usually better as you can (but don't have to) fork the repo first so you can make your changes in private.

My process is something like this:

Build Definition

Name: nopcommerce-CI

Get Sources: GitHub

Phase 1:
Use Nuget 4.3.0
Nuget Restore
Build solution: MSBuildArgs: /p:DeployOnBuild=true /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:DesktopBuildPackageLocation="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\" /p:DeployIisAppPath="Default Web Site"
Publish Artifacts: path: $(build.stagingdirectory)

Release Definition

Environment Name: Test Environment
Deploy Azure App Service: package or folder: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory\**\*.zip

Remember to link the artefact output from the build process to the environment

I also perform json variable substitution in the release process but out of the box nop doesn't output datasettings.json so I had to change it to an embedded resource in my own branch.

I might create a decent tutorial for this at some point, and all of this could be done with travis or appveyor if preferred,...
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