Product attributes not shown in other language

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6 年 前
Hi there,

Hope someone can help.
I'm working on

In English the product attributes look fine but in Dutch only the first attribute (no price adjustment) is shown correctly, the other 2 are shown as products.productattributes.priceadjustment

When I change the price adjustment to 0, the second one will look fine as well.

I'm using 3.9 and the default theme.

Many thanks for your assistance.

6 年 前
Ok, my question is the only question being viewed but without any replies.
As I'm new to this forum, please correct me if I'm asking the wrong kind of questions or providing the wrong kind of details/info. I'm more than willing to learn.
6 年 前
Fixed it myself: I wasn't aware that the productattributes were in the localization files as well.
So, I just needed to go to the language settings, find the piece of code that is not being translated, add that to the troubled language including the variables (extra costs for instance) and everything is well.
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