Redirection Payment method in NopCommerce 4.00

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5 年 前
I have developed a payment plugin(PaymentMethodType.Redirection) 3.90 and it is worked fine.

also; I create a form in PostProcessPayment and post it(POST method necessary). Page goes to the Bank Payment Page and return result.

        public void PostProcessPayment(PostProcessPaymentRequest postProcessPaymentRequest)
            var myForm = "<form action=\"{0}\" method=\"POST\" />" +
        "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"secure3dsecuritylevel\" value=\"CUSTOM_PAY\" />" +
              "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"successurl\" value=\"{1}\" />" +
              "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"errorurl\" value=\"{2}\" />" +
              "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"secure3dhash\" value=\"{3}\" />" +
                "<script> document.forms[0].submit();</script>";  

but at 4.00 not worked.

        void IPaymentMethod.PostProcessPayment(PostProcessPaymentRequest postProcessPaymentRequest)

                byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(myForm);

                _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Response.Body.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

  As a result, it writes myForm to the page as text.
  PaypalStandart is not a good example for me. I need to send form with POST.

  Is there any solution suggestion?
5 年 前
If it's outputting your form as plaintext then it sounds like the Content Type header is not being set correctly. Check your browser's devtools to see what headers are being sent.
5 年 前
thanks timmit,

I added Header to myForm and it is right.

            <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8" /> </head>


5 年 前
I'm talking about the Content-Type HTTP header
5 年 前
This is actually pretty easy todo. There is builint method in Nop.Web.Framework. Here you can find in other plugins as well. Here is the code for it:

            var post = new RemotePost
                FormName = "alipaysubmit",
                Url = "",
                Method = "POST"

            post.Add("service", Service);
            post.Add("partner", partner);
            post.Add("seller_email", sellerEmail);
            post.Add("out_trade_no", outTradeNo);
            post.Add("subject", subject);
            post.Add("body", body);
            post.Add("total_fee", totalFee);
            post.Add("show_url", ShowUrl);
            post.Add("return_url", returnUrl);
            post.Add("notify_url", notifyUrl);
            post.Add("payment_type", "1");
            post.Add("sign", sign);
            post.Add("sign_type", SignType);

5 年 前
dotnetdreamer wrote:
This is actually pretty easy todo. There is builint method in Nop.Web.Framework. Here you can find in other plugins as well. Here is the code for it:

            var post = new RemotePost
                FormName = "alipaysubmit",
                Url = "",
                Method = "POST"

            post.Add("service", Service);
            post.Add("partner", partner);
            post.Add("seller_email", sellerEmail);
            post.Add("out_trade_no", outTradeNo);
            post.Add("subject", subject);
            post.Add("body", body);
            post.Add("total_fee", totalFee);
            post.Add("show_url", ShowUrl);
            post.Add("return_url", returnUrl);
            post.Add("notify_url", notifyUrl);
            post.Add("payment_type", "1");
            post.Add("sign", sign);
            post.Add("sign_type", SignType);


You saved me. Thanks a lot
4 年 前
tekin7707 wrote:
I have developed a payment plugin(PaymentMethodType.Redirection) 3.90 and it is worked fine.

also; I create a form in PostProcessPayment and post it(POST method necessary). Page goes to the Bank Payment Page and return result.

        public void PostProcessPayment(PostProcessPaymentRequest postProcessPaymentRequest)
            var myForm = "<form action=\"{0}\" method=\"POST\" />" +
        "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"secure3dsecuritylevel\" value=\"CUSTOM_PAY\" />" +
              "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"successurl\" value=\"{1}\" />" +
              "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"errorurl\" value=\"{2}\" />" +
              "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"secure3dhash\" value=\"{3}\" />" +
                "<script> document.forms[0].submit();</script>";  

but at 4.00 not worked.

        void IPaymentMethod.PostProcessPayment(PostProcessPaymentRequest postProcessPaymentRequest)

                byte[] data = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(myForm);

                _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Response.Body.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

  As a result, it writes myForm to the page as text.
  PaypalStandart is not a good example for me. I need to send form with POST.

  Is there any solution suggestion?

Thank you Tekin, I'm working on iPara integration. It solved my problem in 4.1 version.
2 年 前
Can I add external JavaScript library "payment gateway library" in the form and use data from it ?

Thank you
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