Disable price filter

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5 年 前
How can I disable the price filter for some categories?  I know how to turn it on or off completely, but we have to be able to show it for only some categories.

5 年 前
You can set price range to null from category edit page.

This will with default nopCommerce price filter.
Hope you are not using any third party plugin for filter.
5 年 前

We are actually using the Hop Templates Motion theme.  If I leave the price range box blank in the admin (which I have been doing), the slider still shows up.  As a desperate attempt, I put the word "null" in the box and I got a format exception.
5 年 前
Hello to anyone reading this.

I was able to accomplish this by using a view component that gets the data from a custom setting in the admin.
3 年 前
I had to remind myself how I did this today, two years later.  Here's a longer note for myself in two more years and for anyone else:

In the class for my component:

private string PriceRangeFilterClass(int CategoryId)
  List<int> lstCategoryIds = new List<int>();
  List<string> lstExclusions = new List<string>();

    // Fill lstExclusions with category names from the setting.
    lstExclusions = _settingService.GetSettingByKey<string>("nopajaxfilterssettings.disablepricerangefilterforcategories").Split(',').ToList();
    // Do nothing.  The setting does not exist.
    return string.Empty;

  // Iterate through exclusions.  Add the IDs to the list of IDs.
  foreach (string s in lstExclusions)
    int intCatId;
      intCatId = _categoryService.GetAllCategories().Where(x => x.Name == s).FirstOrDefault().Id;
      intCatId = 0;
  // If the list of IDs contains this category's ID...
  if (lstCategoryIds.Contains(CategoryId))
    return "hide-price-range";
    return String.Empty;

In the Default view:

@model string
@String.Format("{0}", Model)

In the PriceRangeFilterSlider view:

var currentCategoryId = Convert.ToInt32(Url.ActionContext.RouteData.Values["categoryId"].ToString());
var priceRangeFilterClassResult = await Component.InvokeAsync("NopAjaxFiltersSettingsExtend", new { CategoryId = currentCategoryId });
string priceRangeFilterClass = priceRangeFilterClassResult.RenderHtmlContent();

<div class="block filter-block priceRangeFilterPanel7Spikes @priceRangeFilterClass" data-currentcurrencysymbol="@Model.CurrencySymbol">
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