Error with config file in production

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13 年 前
Hey guys,

Added a new shipping computation method to nopCommerce and I'm having problems making it work in production.

The custom shipping method needs some data from the database so I had to make a Manager, a DBProvider, etc..
I've added 2 entries to my web.config files:

under configuration.nopDataProviders:

<CarlTireShippingRateProvider defaultProvider="SQLCarlTireShippingRateProvider">
        <add name="SQLCarlTireShippingRateProvider" type="Tousdan.Shipping.CarlTireCustomShipping.SQLCarlTireShippingRateProvider, Tousdan.Shipping.CarlTireCustomShipping" connectionStringName="NopSqlConnection"/>

and in configsections.sectionGroup:

<section name="CarlTireShippingRateProvider" type="NopSolutions.NopCommerce.DataAccess.DBProviderSection, Nop.DataAccess" requirePermission="false"/>

Everything works if I attempt to use these values in debug but do not work in production. I'm using the same connectionStrings.config file and the same database.

When I attempt to debug the error, nothing goes wrong and when I try in production, blam I get this ASP error:

Configuration Error

Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: NopSolutions.NopCommerce.DataAccess.NopSqlDataHelper.GetConnectionString(System.String)

Source Error:

Line 480:    <CarlTireShippingRateProvider defaultProvider="SQLCarlTireShippingRateProvider">
Line 481:      <providers>
Line 482:        <add name="SQLCarlTireShippingRateProvider" type="Tousdan.Shipping.CarlTireCustomShipping.SQLCarlTireShippingRateProvider, Tousdan.Shipping.CarlTireCustomShipping" connectionStringName="NopSqlConnection"/>
Line 483:      </providers>
Line 484:    </CarlTireShippingRateProvider>    

Please advise as this error does not help me at all!

13 年 前
So... noone able to even give me a hint about what the cause of this error might be?
13 年 前
Well apparently this was due to the fact that I was stubborn and refused to incorporate my classes in nop projects.

Incorporating the classes in the already existing projects did it.
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