(page 236 in User Guide)

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13 年 前
From promotions menu - select Promotion Providers = using software version 1.8 and this guide is for 1.8, but no in my Promotion Provider - just Google

How to put in - make a module - ??? Not sure what to do? The User Guide is not that clear...
13 年 前
It should be there. Try our demo site to ensure that it's there
13 年 前
Hi Andrei,

Yes, its in the demo, but not in the local version of NopCommerce, do i have to setup a Price List ? Or have i missed something out of the Settings?

- I set up a default website version 1.8, with sample database - took 1 day (just brillant)... this version is with Froogle  providers... If you can advise on the forum...

13 年 前
cityvouchers wrote:
Yes, its in the demo, but not in the local version of NopCommerce, do i have to setup a Price List ? Or have i missed something out of the Settings?

There should be 3 promotion providers (incduling in deafult installation (without changing any settings). Try to redownload the solution
P.S. You don't have to set up price lists.
13 年 前

Just rebuild with a new copy of NopCommerce v1.8 - rebuild using solution in VS2010 Professional - and the tabs are now visible. Price Grabber / Yahoo Shopping and - are also successfully generating the feeds in local mode...

Must have used VWD2008 ? or something in build - thanks for the heads up...

Looking forward to a full test feed in the next couple of weeks,

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