Hide or not render admin menu items based on ACL

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4 年 前
I am sorry in advance for possible duplication, because it seems like this has been a common question of the years per version.

I have added a custom PermissionRecord to specific controllers and have added the appropriate permissions to the roles via the ACL. What else do I need to do to not have those same items rendered in the admin menu in 3.8 and/or 4.1?
4 年 前

When creating the SiteMapNode you can set the Visible parameter based on the current customer permissions.

var visible = _permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.AccessAdminPanel);

4 年 前
first should not add permission records directly in database, they most be added by a plugin.
if so then you most check access in ManageSiteMap method of your plugin.

here is sample:

        public void ManageSiteMap(SiteMapNode rootNode)
            if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManagePayments))

            var peymentsNode = new SiteMapNode()
                Title = this._localizationService.GetResource("Plugins.Payments.PaymentsManager.Menu"),
                Url = "~/Admin/Plugins/PaymentsManager/Transaction/List",
                IconClass = "fa-dot-circle-o",
                SystemName = "PluginPaymentManager-payments",
                Visible = true,
                RouteValues = new RouteValueDictionary() { { "Namespaces", "Plugin.Payments.PaymentsManager" }, {"area", "admin" } },

            var salesNode = rootNode.ChildNodes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.SystemName == "Sales");

in case if you didn't know how to create a new permission record in a plugin:

namespace Nop.Plugin.Misc.PaymentManager.Security
    public class PaymanetManagerPermissionProvider : IPermissionProvider
        public static readonly PermissionRecord AccessPayments;

        static PaymanetManagerPermissionProvider()
            var permissionRecord = new PermissionRecord()
                Name = "Access. Payments",
                SystemName = "AccessPluginPayments",
                Category = "Plugin"

            PaymanetManagerPermissionProvider.AccessPayments = permissionRecord;

        public virtual IEnumerable<PermissionRecord> GetPermissions()
            return new PermissionRecord[1] { PaymanetManagerPermissionProvider.AccessPayments };

        public virtual IEnumerable<DefaultPermissionRecord> GetDefaultPermissions()
            DefaultPermissionRecord[] permissionRecordArray = new DefaultPermissionRecord[1]
                    new DefaultPermissionRecord()
                        CustomerRoleSystemName = (SystemCustomerRoleNames.Administrators),
                        PermissionRecords = (new PermissionRecord[1] { AccessPayments })

            return permissionRecordArray;

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