Customer Search (Peformance Optimization)

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4 年 前
We run a large nopCommerce site with roughly 115,000 registered customers and counting. With this large data set we've noticed a major performance issue when searching for customers on the admin side by First Name, Last Name, Company or any of the other Generic Attribute fields associated to the customer. I know we don't want every generic attribute added to the customer record in the database but I feel like the site could easily and quickly benefit from moving the required attributes "First Name" and "Last Name" to the customer record as well as the optional "Company" field. The other fields could continue to be Generic attributes.

For us we typically search on Email, First and Last Name, or Company when trying to track down customers and I would imagine most store owners would do the same. The performance gain would be massive when searching and would also benefit the front end with faster load times when retrieving customer data throughout the site.

Also, another thing to consider is creating a stored procedure to perform the search. Similar to how it's down for products.

Let me know your thoughts...
4 年 前
You may want to see if it helps to add [Key] field to the existing index  (and maybe even [Value])

NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_GenericAttribute_EntityId_and_KeyGroup] ON [dbo].[GenericAttribute]
  [EntityId] ASC,
  [KeyGroup] ASC
4 年 前
Thanks for the suggestion but that Index is already on the Generic Attribute table. I also worry that including Value on the NonClustered index will create a larger performance hit since the field is an NVARCHAR(MAX) and we have close to 4,000,000 Generic Attributes.

I went ahead and created a StoredProcedure and updated the GetAllCustomers method in the CustomerService class.

Searches that were taking 30 seconds to complete now take less than a second. This is a good interim fix but I still believe the First Name, Last Name, and Company fields should be added to the Customer table. Especially since you're retrieving this information after the initial search is made which requires at least 1 additional query for every customer record returned.

This is the 4.2 code but I also have 4.0 if anyone want's it.

public IPagedList<Customer> GetAllCustomers(DateTime? createdFromUtc = null, DateTime? createdToUtc = null,
            int affiliateId = 0, int vendorId = 0, int[] customerRoleIds = null,
            string email = null, string username = null, string firstName = null, string lastName = null,
            int dayOfBirth = 0, int monthOfBirth = 0,
            string company = null, string phone = null, string zipPostalCode = null, string ipAddress = null,
            int pageIndex = 0, int pageSize = int.MaxValue, bool getOnlyTotalCount = false)

            //some databases don't support int.MaxValue
            if (pageSize == int.MaxValue)
                pageSize = int.MaxValue - 1;

            //pass customer role identifiers as comma-delimited string
            var commaSeparatedCustomerRoleIds = string.Join(",", customerRoleIds);

            //Use our custom stored procedure instead

            DbParameter pCreatedFromUtc = null;
            if (createdFromUtc.HasValue)
                pCreatedFromUtc = _dataProvider.GetDateTimeParameter("CreatedFromUtc", createdFromUtc.Value);
                pCreatedFromUtc = _dataProvider.GetDateTimeParameter("CreatedFromUtc", null);

            DbParameter pCreatedToUtc = null;
            if (createdToUtc.HasValue)
                pCreatedToUtc = _dataProvider.GetDateTimeParameter("CreatedToUtc", createdToUtc.Value);
                pCreatedToUtc = _dataProvider.GetDateTimeParameter("CreatedToUtc", null);

            var pAffiliateId = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("AffiliateId", affiliateId);
            var pVendorId = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("VendorId", vendorId);
            var pCustomerRoleIds = _dataProvider.GetStringParameter("CustomerRoleIds", commaSeparatedCustomerRoleIds);
            var pEmail = _dataProvider.GetStringParameter("Email", email);
            var pUsername = _dataProvider.GetStringParameter("Username", username);
            var pFirstName = _dataProvider.GetStringParameter("FirstName", firstName);
            var pLastName = _dataProvider.GetStringParameter("LastName", lastName);
            var pDayOfBirth = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("DayOfBirth", dayOfBirth);
            var pMonthOfBirth = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("MonthOfBirth", monthOfBirth);
            var pCompany = _dataProvider.GetStringParameter("Company", company);
            var pPhone = _dataProvider.GetStringParameter("Phone", phone);
            var pZipPostalCode = _dataProvider.GetStringParameter("ZipPostalCode", zipPostalCode);
            var pIpAddress = _dataProvider.GetStringParameter("IpAddress", CommonHelper.IsValidIpAddress(ipAddress) ? ipAddress : null);
            var pPageIndex = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("PageIndex", pageIndex);
            var pPageSize = _dataProvider.GetInt32Parameter("PageSize", pageSize);
            var pTotalRecords = _dataProvider.GetOutputInt32Parameter("TotalRecords");

            var customers = _dbContext.EntityFromSql<Customer>(

            var totalRecords = pTotalRecords.Value != DBNull.Value ? Convert.ToInt32(pTotalRecords.Value) : 0;
            return new PagedList<Customer>(customers, pageIndex, pageSize, totalRecords);


And the stored Procedure

-- =============================================
-- Author:    oumiller21
-- Create date: 2019-08-29
-- Description:  Search for Customers (Performance improvement over LINQ query)
-- =============================================
  DECLARE @CreatedFromUtc        DateTime = null,
      @CreatedToUtc        DateTime = null,
      @AffiliateId        int = 0,
      @VendorId          int = 0,
      @CustomerRoleIds      nvarchar(1000) = null,
      @Email            nvarchar(1000) = null,
      @UserName          nvarchar(1000) = null,
      @FirstName          nvarchar(MAX) = null,
      @LastName          nvarchar(MAX) = null,
      @DayOfBirth          int = 0,
      @MonthOfBirth        int = 0,
      @Company          nvarchar(MAX) = null,
      @Phone            nvarchar(MAX) = null,
      @ZipPostalCode        nvarchar(MAX) = null,
      @IpAddress          nvarchar(MAX) = null,
      @PageIndex          int = 0,
      @PageSize          int = 2147483644,
      @TotalRecords        int = null

       --@CreatedFromUtc = CONVERT(datetime,'2019-01-01')
       --, @CreatedToUtc = CONVERT(datetime,'2020-01-01')
       --, @AffiliateId = 1
       --, @VendorId = 1
       @CustomerRoleIds = '3'
       -- @Email = ''
       --, @UserName = 'myusername'
       --, @FirstName = 'First'
       --, @LastName = 'Last'
       --, @DayOfBirth = 28
       --, @MonthOfBirth = 6
       --, @Company = 'Max'
       --, @Phone = '555-444-3333'
       --, @ZipPostalCode = '47012'
       --, @IpAddress = ''
       , @PageIndex = 0
       , @PageSize = 1

  EXEC GetAllCustomers @CreatedFromUtc
              , @CreatedToUtc
              , @AffiliateId
              , @VendorId
              , @CustomerRoleIds
              , @Email
              , @UserName
              , @FirstName
              , @LastName
              , @DayOfBirth
              , @MonthOfBirth
              , @Company
              , @Phone
              , @ZipPostalCode
              , @IpAddress
              , @PageIndex
              , @PageSize
              , @TotalRecords output
  Select @TotalRecords

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetAllCustomers]
  @CreatedFromUtc        DateTime = null, --Created date from (UTC); null to load all records
  @CreatedToUtc        DateTime = null, --Created date to (UTC); null to load all records
  @AffiliateId        int = 0, --Affiliate identifier
  @VendorId          int = 0, --Vendor identifier
  @CustomerRoleIds      nvarchar(1000) = null, --A list of customer role identifiers to filter by (at least one match); pass null or empty list in order to load all customers;
  @Email            nvarchar(1000) = null, --Email; null to load all customers
  @UserName          nvarchar(1000) = null, --Username; null to load all customers
  @FirstName          nvarchar(MAX) = null, --First name; null to load all customer
  @LastName          nvarchar(MAX) = null, --Last name; null to load all customer
  @DayOfBirth          int = 0, --Day of birth; 0 to load all customers
  @MonthOfBirth        int = 0, --Month of birth; 0 to load all customers
  @Company          nvarchar(MAX) = null, --Company; null to load all customers
  @Phone            nvarchar(MAX) = null, --Phone; null to load all customers
  @ZipPostalCode        nvarchar(MAX) = null, --ZipPostalCode; null to load all customers
  @IpAddress          nvarchar(MAX) = null, --IP address; null to load all customers
  @PageIndex          int = 0,
  @PageSize          int = 2147483644,
  @TotalRecords        int = null OUTPUT

  DECLARE  @sql nvarchar(max),
      @sql_orderby nvarchar(max),
      @DayOfBirthPadded nvarchar(2),
      @MonthOfBirthPadded nvarchar(2),            
      @nl char(2) = char(13) + char(10)

  --Start the Query
    SELECT @sql =  '    
                 SELECT c.Id
                  , TotalCount  = COUNT(1) OVER()
                   FROM Customer                c    (NOLOCK)' + @nl

  IF NULLIF(@CustomerRoleIds, '') IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @sql += '
             INNER JOIN Customer_CustomerRole_Mapping      ccrm (NOLOCK) ON c.Id = ccrm.Customer_Id
                                                 AND ccrm.CustomerRole_Id IN (' + @CustomerRoleIds + ')' + @nl


  IF NULLIF(@FirstName, '') IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @sql += '
             INNER JOIN GenericAttribute            fn   (NOLOCK) ON c.Id = fn.EntityId      
                                               AND fn.KeyGroup = ''Customer''
                                               AND fn.[Key] = ''FirstName''
                                               AND fn.StoreId = 0
                                               AND fn.Value like ''%' + @FirstName + '%''' + @nl
  IF NULLIF(@LastName, '') IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @sql += '
             INNER JOIN GenericAttribute            ln   (NOLOCK) ON c.Id = ln.EntityId      
                                               AND ln.KeyGroup = ''Customer''
                                               AND ln.[Key] = ''LastName''
                                               AND ln.StoreId = 0
                                               AND ln.Value like ''%' + @LastName + '%''' + @nl

  --date of birth is stored as a string into database.
    --we also know that date of birth is stored in the following format YYYY-MM-DD (for example, 1983-02-18).
    --so let's search it as a string
  Select @DayOfBirthPadded    = RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(nvarchar, @DayOfBirth), 2)
       , @MonthOfBirthPadded    = RIGHT('00' + CONVERT(nvarchar, @MonthOfBirth), 2);

  IF @DayOfBirth > 0 AND @MonthOfBirth > 0
    SELECT @sql += '
              INNER JOIN GenericAttribute            dob  (NOLOCK) ON c.Id = dob.EntityId      
                                               AND dob.KeyGroup = ''Customer''
                                               AND dob.[Key] = ''DateOfBirth''
                                               AND dob.StoreId = 0
                                               AND SUBSTRING(dob.Value, 5, 5) = ''' + @MonthOfBirthPadded + '-' + @DayOfBirthPadded + '''' + @nl
  ELSE IF @DayOfBirth > 0
    SELECT @sql += '
              INNER JOIN GenericAttribute            dob  (NOLOCK) ON c.Id = dob.EntityId      
                                               AND dob.KeyGroup = ''Customer''
                                               AND dob.[Key] = ''DateOfBirth''
                                               AND dob.StoreId = 0
                                               AND SUBSTRING(dob.Value, 8, 2) = ''' + @DayOfBirthPadded + '''' + @nl
  ELSE IF @MonthOfBirth > 0
      SELECT @sql += '
              INNER JOIN GenericAttribute            dob  (NOLOCK) ON c.Id = dob.EntityId      
                                               AND dob.KeyGroup = ''Customer''
                                               AND dob.[Key] = ''DateOfBirth''
                                               AND dob.StoreId = 0
                                               AND dob.Value like ''%-' + @MonthOfBirthPadded + '-%''' + @nl

  IF NULLIF(@Company, '') IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @sql += '
             INNER JOIN GenericAttribute            cn   (NOLOCK) ON c.Id = cn.EntityId      
                                               AND cn.KeyGroup = ''Customer''
                                               AND cn.[Key] = ''Company''
                                               AND cn.StoreId = 0
                                               AND cn.Value like ''%' + @Company + '%''' + @nl
    SELECT @sql += '
             INNER JOIN GenericAttribute            p   (NOLOCK) ON c.Id = p.EntityId      
                                               AND p.KeyGroup = ''Customer''
                                               AND p.[Key] = ''Phone''
                                               AND p.StoreId = 0
                                               AND p.Value like ''%' + @Phone + '%''' + @nl
  IF NULLIF(@ZipPostalCode, '') IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @sql += '
             INNER JOIN GenericAttribute            z   (NOLOCK) ON c.Id = z.EntityId      
                                               AND z.KeyGroup = ''Customer''
                                               AND z.[Key] = ''ZipPostalCode''
                                               AND z.StoreId = 0
                                               AND z.Value like ''%' + @ZipPostalCode + '%''' + @nl

    SELECT @sql += '      
                WHERE c.Deleted = 0' + @nl
    SELECT @sql += '      
                  AND c.Email like ''%' + @Email + '%''' + @nl
  IF NULLIF(@UserName, '') IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @sql += '      
                  AND c.UserName like ''%' + @UserName + '%''' + @nl

  IF NULLIF(@CreatedFromUtc, '') IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @sql += '      
                  AND c.CreatedOnUtc >= ''' + CONVERT(varchar,@CreatedFromUtc) + '''' + @nl
  IF NULLIF(@CreatedToUtc, '') IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @sql += '      
                  AND c.CreatedOnUtc <= ''' + CONVERT(varchar, @CreatedToUtc) + '''' + @nl
  IF @AffiliateId > 0
    SELECT @sql += '      
                  AND c.AffiliateId = ''' + CONVERT(nvarchar,@AffiliateId) + '''' + @nl
  IF @VendorId > 0
    SELECT @sql += '      
                  AND c.VendorId = ''' + CONVERT(nvarchar,@VendorId) + '''' + @nl

  IF NULLIF(@IpAddress, '') IS NOT NULL
    SELECT @sql += '      
                  AND c.LastIpAddress = ''' + @IpAddress + '''' + @nl
    SELECT @sql += '      
                ORDER BY c.Id DESC' + @nl

  --PRINT @sql;
  DECLARE @PagingResult TABLE  
    Id INT,
    TotalCount INT

  SET @page_sql = '
      ;WITH pg AS (
            ' +
              + '
                    OFFSET ' + CONVERT(varchar, @PageSize) + ' * (' + CONVERT(varchar, @PageIndex) + ') ROWS
                  FETCH NEXT ' + CONVERT(varchar, @PageSize) + ' ROWS ONLY
              ), TempCount AS (
              SELECT TotalCount FROM pg
          SELECT Id, TotalCount
            FROM pg;

  --PRINT @page_sql;

  INSERT INTO @PagingResult(Id, TotalCount)
       EXEC sp_executesql @page_sql
  --Set our count
  SELECT TOP 1 @TotalRecords = TotalCount
    FROM @PagingResult;

  --Return results
     SELECT c.*
       FROM Customer        c
   INNER JOIN @PagingResult      pg ON c.Id = pg.Id -- or EXISTS

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