product thumbnail location

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13 年 前
I see binary data in the picture table, I am assuming that it hold the large product picture because I see the system saving a thumbnail in the image folder. Are these thumbnail's name kept in database anywhere? or is the name base on one of the product's attribute or SKU?

If anyone know how I can get the name of the thumbnail for my products please let me know.

13 年 前
The image thumbnails are named using the picture ID and the image size. For example a picture named "0000082_80.jpg" in the \images\thumbs folder is picture ID 82 and the size is 80 pixels (max dimension).

Pictures are related to products through the junction table Nop_ProductPicture.

Also see the custom property ProductPictures in the Product class (file: Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Products\Product.cs) and see the GetPictureUrl method (line 295 in file: Libraries\Nop.BusinessLogic\Media\PictureManager.cs) in the PictureManager class to see how the thumbnails are created. Note that thumbnails are only created when they are needed.

13 年 前
Thanks again MB, you're a life saver.
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