Error after installing SevenSpikes.Nop.Plugins.AjaxFilters

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4 年 前
Hi after I installed AjaxFilters plugin I cant run the application anymore and I always keep getting this error

Cannot find the object "dbo.Product_SpecificationAttribute_Mapping" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions
4 年 前
a.fares wrote:

That is one of default tables of nopCommerce. Just check if you have that table available at your database. If yes, then suggest to contact with Nop-Templates directly or via Ticket/Board.

4 年 前

The issue is not that the table is missing but that the Ajax Filters SQL script is targetting the table with the default database schema (dto) whereas you probably have a different scheme on your database.

You can fix this issue by firstly, removing the ajax filters from the ~/App_Data/plugins.json file and restarting your store.
After that go to the Administration -> Configuration -> Settings -> All settings (advanced)  and add the following settings:
Name: ajaxFilterSettings.DboSchema
Value: [yourDatabaseScheme]

where your database scheme is your database scheme.

After that, go to the Administration -> Configuration -> Local Plugins page and try to install the Ajax Filters plugin again.

Hope that helps!

Best Regards,
4 年 前
I tried the same. Does not work. Even after making the entry , same error .
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